Jan. 31st, 2010


posted by P2.

Hello. My name is Holly. I've just moved in. Sort of

I'm not really certain what the requisite information is I'm supposed to give here. I've never been to a "forum" like this before. My name is enough, I hope.

Meanwhile, I am well aware that Americans operate under a different customs system than the English, but I must ask if leaving one's belongings behind after moving out is common. It puts a bit of a damper on my plan of moving in to see a fully furnished, all but inhabited flat when I open my new door. What, exactly, am I expected to do with the previous tenant's things?

Jan. 28th, 2010



I figure I should introduce myself now that I'm all settled in. My name is Ileana Grigore. I’m sure you’re familiar with my older sister. I’ll be staying with here for the time being and taking care of spending some time with her. It’s really nice to meet everyone. I’m new to the city as well, so I’m not really familiar with the streets yet. Does anyone have any particular places to go? Or avoid?

Jan. 26th, 2010


I really needn't waste my time on this This is for casework, not fraternising. Bloody fucking Sod it I

It was suggested by a stranger whom I will never be taking advice from come a second meeting that I introduce myself here. For the life of me, I'll never understand why, but I suppose it's rather common to get acquainted with one's neighbours in an environment like this. This is my first time living in an apartment building, and while I wish I could say I'm truly looking forward to the experience, I don't particularly fancy making a liar of myself so soon.

In any case, my name is Rupert Holden and I've just recently moved into 1201. I've been working as a private detective for six years now and I intend on leaving at six, thank you very much and I live on my own any takers?. Although, again, I won't lie to you all and bother telling a pretty anecdote on how I'll be attempting to not be too much of a nuisance. I'm a detective. I perform experiments. I enjoy loud music.

I believe that equals some reason to be occasionally boisterous.

Jan. 19th, 2010



Oh my, this is interesting isn't it? The last place I was in didn't have a journalling system. Does that help with relations here? Things were a little 'hectic' I guess about where I was staying before. It's good to be out of there - I'm really excited about being here!

I'm Lotte and in #1206. You might already realize that though as the username sorry. Er, this place is really interesting isn't it? My friend told me about it and it seemed great...James you are here aren't you? I'm feeling ridiculous.

Jan. 7th, 2010



My name is Yun but you can call me Li because it is a little rude to call me Yun until we get to know-- I think it is easier to say for you. I recently moved and live in room 405. Hello!

Since I just arrived I do not have a job. I have also never been to New York before since I am from China. If you are bored or something maybe we can go act like tourists sometime even though we are not tourists! I think that might be fun.

Also if you need help since I have no job I have time. I was thinking about maybe if you know someone who is studying Chinese I could help. Or maybe if someone would like a sparring partner or coach for different gymnastics. Or maybe someone just needs extra help with something!

My door is open. Just knock! Also is the elevator broken? That seems very dangerous. It was nice to meet you!

Jan. 1st, 2010


Posted by 905

It seems everyone introduces themselves with a hello and a good day, or with something witty and entirely memorable in this building. It's very hard to choose how to best make the right impression in a new place.

Since a standard greeting wouldn't stand out very sharply in a building full of such interesting characters, and since I can't be sure of my own ability to be entirely memorable on command, I think I'll go for quirky. Because the very odd gets noticed more often than the very nice or the very witty.

How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you.

I'm Ella, and I've just moved into 905.


Posted by 1202

Huh. So we’re on the web. I did not think this building was cool enough for that.
I’m Evie. I’m on the 12th floor, I’m not new, and I’d just like to request that the people who are- that would be all of you that keep moving in above my head- try to keep things down. And the orgies could stop too. They're disruptive to those of us that are still in school. 

I mean, some of you really have no concept of normalcy, do you? Or are you just like, perpetually tripping?

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