August 2010



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May. 14th, 2010



Locked to P3

I am taking Daniel for a walk so he does not see the boards, in the meantime make Shane be quiet.

My books...



Dearest neighbor in 905.

I don't know what in the world you do in your free time, but remember. Some of us are trying to live a peaceful, happy existence, and YOU ARE NOT HELPING WITH THIS BY BANGING AND GROWLING AND DOING WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU ARE DOING OVER THERE.

Please, for the love of God, could you keep it to a quiet roar? I didn't want to have to do this, but you don't seem to be reacting to me throwing my shoes at our adjoining walls.

Love and kisses,
Your cranky neighbor in 906.

May. 13th, 2010



How do I make my computer start again like I bought it? It takes forever just to load a page.



[202 & what the hell, 706]

The librarians weren't sorry to see me go. I can't imagine why.


We might need to talk about hours.


I was at your beach again. It's not different every time you go, is it? I'm not messing it up, am I?


Locked to 905

How do I get myself into these things, how

There is something I need to ask you, but you cannot tell Daniel about it.

May. 11th, 2010


Are you still making cups of tea or are you feeli have you run out?

I forgot to mention this earlier but Kiki has moved out. That should be one less



Locked to 401

Where was the gym you spoke of?
Tags: ,

May. 9th, 2010



Locked to 206

I have a job for you, but I'm not certain you'd be interested. Are you any good with accounting, or numbers, or getting a business to be profitable? Please say yes.

May. 8th, 2010



Since things get pretty dangerous around here on the full moon, it's probably a good idea to have some place the dangerous ones can go so everybody else isn't going to get killed. The catacombs seem like a good place for that.

The rest of the time, since the cops don't have a clue around here, setting up some regular people to deal with crime and medical stuff and repairs would be smart.

All in favor say 'aye' so I can go back to bed.


601, 905

[Locked to 601]

A few friends and I are looking to explore the catacombs. In comparison to others, we're new. Someone mentioned you were here at the time of the masquerade last year - would you be willing to venture down there with us? It's just an inspection.

[Locked to 905]


How're you holding up?

[Later, this, this is editted in]
[Group Locked to 703 and 202]

The wolf Shane will take us, as long as we state a time. What works for you two?

May. 7th, 2010



Locked to 1002

Shane is going to hurt someone if he doesn't get the money back in 24 hours, Sissy. If you have it, please give it back. If you need money, I can help you.


[Posted late afternoon. Typically Iris is out from 6 AM to 12 AM, (something the Watch may note at your discretion) but today she didn't get a second shift.]


Now there's a light out in the second floor hallway.

Though I think the bulb just went out, rather than someone shooting it out with a bullet. Though that's just a guess.

[706] How'd the date go? [/706]

[905] How are you holding up doing? [/905]


How did

What should I do with the photo

[Not sent.]




[After this]

Locked to 601

My sister says she does not have the money, but Daniel seems to feel she does. I asked her to return it if she had it in her possession.

May. 6th, 2010



Locked to 401

I need a favor, Ahab.
Tags: ,

May. 4th, 2010


locked to 905

let's try this again

I need to ask a favor of you. It's the sort of favor I wouldn't be asking if I felt I had any other option, I promise you that.

How close are you to your sister?



The moon has passed. When do we leave?

May. 3rd, 2010



Locked to 1104B

As soon as you can get near a computer, let me know that you're alright.



Penthouses: Some construction people are coming through. They'll be done in a couple days. Sorry about the noise.


locked to R1, 905, 701, 501, 307


should at least ask, i did promise Did you and Ella get through the moon safely?


How are you holding up?


Rosalie, we need to talk about making sure you're somewhere safe. Did you make it through the moon alright?


what do i even

I'm sorry.


Any luck last night?


I've not been on the forums recently, but I did just page through things. Why is the anonymous feature gone? I need it Did I read right in guessing that this is now going to be...regular?

[Locked to 501, 601, 701, 905, and 1202A]

Erik's here and lives in Bellum.

The building should know, in case we transform again - I don't know how though. Otherwise? ...I don't know if he's a concern.

[Locked to R1]

Could I bother you with a favor? There's er, no pressure to do it but I really don't know who else to ask.

Apr. 27th, 2010


Locked 1104B

Things became complicated and we never came up with a plan

Where are you going to be for the moon, Helena? I don't feel any different than I normally do, so perhaps the woman who made the prediction was incorrect if the Baba Yaga can be incorrect.

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