May. 9th, 2010


Locked to 906


I fear you are the only active participant remaining.

I apologize for not visiting you during the full moon. I was injured preoccupied busy. Would you please tell me what changes you underwent during this time?


Dr. Archer

Apr. 27th, 2010


Locked to 407, 906, and 1202B Individually


Thank you once again for your participation in my study.  If the rumors about the next full moon are true, I would very much appreciate the opportunity to obtain a sample from you during this event.  This would allow me to compare your "transformed" sample to your "base" sample, which could offer valuable information about the arrangement of your genetic material.

Please respond promptly so that I may know whether to prepare or not.

Thank you,
Dr. Archer

Apr. 19th, 2010


[let's say they move in and this is posted before Ella crawls through the lobby]

Um, hey everybody. I guess that posting on here is what everyone does? I haven't had a lot of time to read through anything on this forum, but I didn't want to not post something, if that's what people do when they move in.

So. I'm Tegan. And we're living on the first floor.


p.s. I'm going to need to find a job around here... anyone have any leads? Please? Anyone? Anything?

Apr. 14th, 2010


Humor me...

With the possibility of strange occurrences happening in the next week, I think it would help if we rounded up a list of all practicing or scholarly medical professionals in the building, along with anyone who has first aid knowledge.

Apr. 13th, 2010


Locked to 102

Dr. Archer,

Unfortunately, after carefully considering your request, I am afraid that I will have to decline. Giving you my DNA would not be wise, you see, because I am a murderer I cannot take the chance of the wrong person getting their hands on it My situation is precarious enough without

I do apologize for any inconvenience, and wish you luck with your study regardless.

Apr. 11th, 2010


Various locked

[After this]

[Locked to D1]
I can't make it to dinner.

[Locked to 1202B and 1004]
I can't make dinner something happened with I'm not doing very Hanny, go with Nicky to see the science man, so he don't got to go alone. I just can't.

[Locked to 102]
Sending you a replacement, sugar, since your bedside manner left so much to be desired.

[Locked to 601]
Are you in love with

[Not sent]

Apr. 10th, 2010


Locked to Certain Individuals

[Locked to R1, P3, #1203A, and #601 individually]

A polite letter )

[Locked to P1, #1202B, and #1007 individually]

A polite letter )

[Locked to #906, #805, and #407 individually]

A polite letter )

Next 20