May 14th, 2010

[info]acatalyst in [info]bellumletale

703, R1, 705

Locked to 703

Your goat farmer has never behaved questionably with any farm aminals. Permissions to date him is granted.

P.S. How are my pins coming?

Locked to R1

You're an idiot, and I'm getting security installed in that Shop of Imminent Death you apparently now own.

Locked to 705
[After convo with Joanie]

Yo, goat herder.

[info]redhorse_tea in [info]bellumletale

locked to 1106

I had meeting with the Phantom's Christine at my shop the other day. She was asking to speak with so, I have email address from her:

She is not knowing your name or room, so I will let her be choosing to give her things to you. She is worried for you here, and I am not blaming her. At least there is no Raoul, da? Please to be careful. There are many angry people at Bellum, and the Phantom, he is an easy target.

[info]lemortvivant in [info]bellumletale

Subject: None

I was told you wanted to talk.

[info]nineteen_stars in [info]bellumletale


Dearest neighbor in 905.

I don't know what in the world you do in your free time, but remember. Some of us are trying to live a peaceful, happy existence, and YOU ARE NOT HELPING WITH THIS BY BANGING AND GROWLING AND DOING WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU ARE DOING OVER THERE.

Please, for the love of God, could you keep it to a quiet roar? I didn't want to have to do this, but you don't seem to be reacting to me throwing my shoes at our adjoining walls.

Love and kisses,
Your cranky neighbor in 906.

[info]beaute_endormie in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 905, P3


What's happening?


Ella said talk to you. What's happening in her apartment?

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale


Locked to P3

I am taking Daniel for a walk so he does not see the boards, in the meantime make Shane be quiet.

My books...