April 12th, 2010

[info]labete in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 1002.

[Before his dinner with Vlad, Helena and Ella. After his self-sacrificial little talk with Shane. Those are always so fun.]

Funny how we're both still here. I thought one of us would have taken off by now.

[info]redhorse_tea in [info]bellumletale


[Locked to 202]
I did the casting of the runestones for you. In this building, it is sometimes hard to get good reading. But you should be watching for the full moon, this is when I think the magics will be upset again. Perhaps you should be warning Iris and Eliot? But I can be telling them as well. I am thinking it might be for the best to be warning people publicly, da? I can do this.

[Locked to 307]
I was casting runestones for two peoples, and thought to warn you. The magics that have happened before? It will be happening on the full moon. You I believe will be in a most particular danger.

[Locked to P3]
I hope to not be invasive, but I was thinking to warm you that the full moon of the end of the month will be another time of magics.

[Locked to 1104C]
We have not been talking much since you have come for the fortune. But the yesterday, I was casting for a friend, and I was seeing something that may be affecting you. There will be a full moon with the magics again.