April 1st, 2010

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumletale

locked to 905

Are you doing okay? I meant to see how you were sooner, but I've been not in the mood to talk to anyone this medication is pretty strong kind of out of it.

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

locked to #202

Murders in various locations surrounding this building in the last six months;

Arcadia Park: 6

(Crime) Alley: 13

Neighboring Apartment Buildings: 3

Local Shops and Restaurants: 1

Not all have details listed anywhere public, some do. The murders in the apartment buildings were, without exception, the result of domestic disputes. Most of the murders in the alley and park were attributed to muggings, but not many were listed with details. The murder in the restaurant was apparently self-defense.

[info]floreat_etona in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 1202B

sorry i tried to kill you the other day

i hope you know i love you, no matter what. really. even when i try to kill you sprout a hook from my arm when shit gets crazy.

i thought maybe you and me and evie could go out for dinner and try to have a non murderous nice night together.

[info]oscardelta in [info]bellumletale


if i were lookin for a miss rosalie where would i find her?

[info]vasilissa in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 802

I could

How would you like it if I

Hey you. How're you feeling?

[info]deductively in [info]bellumletale


i've been talked into asked to looking into and compiling a history of this building. i know some of you have been here for a while, so if you know or have heard of anything, feel free to drop me a line.

i also know that i'm not the only one doing research on the place. collaboration is an option.

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

Delivered to 601. )

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

Delivered to 802. )