March 30th, 2010

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale


[During this]

does any one in the building know remedial first aid how to sew up someone whos injured.

please respond.

[info]ex_peepshows656 in [info]bellumletale



Ella asks that you please not come down here. She said that "Vaughn knows where they are."

I'm taking care of her.

- James.

[info]sultana in [info]bellumletale

From #204

totally cool place and forums? omg it's like, better than facebook except no pictures fuck it

i was reading over and like, the fairy tales? fantastic. scratch that - fan-fucking-tastic. in fact, i've always known who i was. seems like i'll fit in, right?

anyway, i'm joss. aka the headless horseman. nice to meetcha.