March 8th, 2010

[info]shebringscurses in [info]bellumletale

[ Posted to almost the entire building; not R1, P3, 1007, 905, 701, 601 ]

I really don't know what that girl is getting on about. I'm sorry for the drama, but please do bear in mind that she's been hospitalized quite a bit. Poor child, it's not her fault she seeks all this attention. Abusive boyfriend, murdered family.. so unfortunate.

[info]tenoversix in [info]bellumletale

public from D2

Nifty fucking place you kids have got going on here. Is it always this interesting? Or did I just hop on in the middle of whiplash season?

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

[Posted to everyone except 1002]

I'm sure all of you are aware of what was discussed during the recent anonymous post. Whether you believe the 'fable theory' or not, everyone in this building has a right to know something that could potentially keep them safe.

That being said, there is reason to believe that Vaughn in 1002 has the ability to change her appearance. What I mean by this is that she may be able to become completely unrecognizable even to anyone who knows what she really looks like.

Take this information and please, be careful.

Thank you.

[info]beaute_endormie in [info]bellumletale

Private to 905 and P3

I suppose you both saw this?

So Margot was really Vaughn?

And...any new person in the building could be her too?

[Locked just to 905]

How much do you believe in the fairy tale theory?

[info]still_lotte in [info]bellumletale

I was...going to ask what all of you who don't have jobs do spending their days, but a quick glance over the forums Oh my god answered that.

Really? Fairy tales? That's ridiculous and the name-calling it's just....Gr

Do any of you do anything outside of these things? If I clean my apartment one more time I'm not feeling right I heard something the other night

[info]backoff in [info]bellumletale

we all live here becuz we got super powers?

that's awesome

[info]floreat_etona in [info]bellumletale

Private to 1007

you asked. i found it all by myself, too. )

[info]labete in [info]bellumletale


[P3, 905, 701, 1007, 601, did I forget anyone?]

Who posted the anonymous thing about Vaughn?

[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale


[Locked to 802]

I think Vaughn may be talking to Aaron, honey. He's defending her all over, and he thinks we're all lying about what she's done. You're the only person besides her that I know he's still taking classes from, and he won't listen to me.

[info]beaute_endormie in [info]bellumletale

Locked to D4

[Following this]

Why would you want Lotte to get fired?

[info]nobleblood in [info]bellumletale

[Locked to 1002]

If you wanted to see what my apartment looked like, Vaughn, all you needed to do was ask.

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

locked to 802

I thought it was worth contacting you in order to apologize for placing a burden of information on you when we spoke last. It won't happen again.

I also feel obligated to mention that, were any of the things I said to be repeated, I would not be the only one endangered, and it could hurt people around me. So if you'd keep what I said to yourself, I would appreciate it.