January 17th, 2010

[info]labete in [info]bellumletale

[After finding this.]

Somebody forgot a box in the hall. It's got a little--loud--cat in it.

Are you going to come back and pick it up?

[info]bellum_secrets in [info]bellumletale

There is nothing particularly memorable about what is left in a hole-riddled box outside of R1. It's small and dirty and it's sure to be more trouble than it's worth.

Box )

[info]fond_affections in [info]bellumletale

Left outside of #905 after This

A cassette tape is wrapped in the soot smudged sheet music. There's no separate note.

[info]pied in [info]bellumletale

[Taped, written side in, to the mirror of 201]

leinaD oT )

[info]fond_affections in [info]bellumletale

Locked to P2 after This and during the Memory Post Goings On

Interesting conversation in the stairwell the other day. How've you been--besides saintly?