December 26th, 2009

[info]pied in [info]bellumletale

[Phone call to 607]

It was after lunch on Christmas Day when Piper called Anne. He'd spent most of the morning trying to decide how to best contact Daniel's blackmailer, trying to figure out what the missing books were on the shelves, and making sure Daniel was still soundly asleep on the kitchen table.


[info]ex_sepulchre370 in [info]bellumletale

[Posted publicly to the forums]

I'm new to the building, and you'll forgive me if this is an odd question, but is it normal for adults to receive fairy tale books stolen from the public library in their stockings here? I can't help but imagine librarians all over the city gnashing their teeth and pulling their hairnets out, their stockings rolled into little taupe sausages around their disturbed ankles.

I'm Jude, and I'm in Penthouse 2. Pleasure to meet everyone, I'm sure.