December 23rd, 2009

[info]justlikelife in [info]bellumletale

Phone call to #201.

[After this and this.]


[info]pied in [info]bellumletale

[Left on the doorstep of 607 with a note]

Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever. )

[info]meannotgreen in [info]bellumletale


To the Salvation Army:
Despite the fact that it’s ‘the season of giving’ I will not fill your clanging buckets, no matter how many times you jingle it at me. Some people used to shop there have enough trouble keeping things together for themselves and don’t need to pay for the endless homeless in the city.
At least go jangle it at someone who has money. Idiots.
I, personally, can’t wait until the holiday season is over.  A break from classes is welcomed, but I'd rather balance that and the normal string of customers than this amount. Why does everyone have to buy Christmas presents last minute? It doesn't mean anything.

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

the christmas stockings

{When the building's patrons get up on 12/23, there are stockings hanging on the wall in the lobby of Bellum. They hang behind the stairs, so that people going up and down cannot see who is back there dropping off gifts. The stockings are simple, red felt with white fake fur trim, and large enough to hold quite a few gifts. They are all neatly emblazoned with the room number of the person they are meant for in white stitching. Someone clearly went out of their way to construct them.}