December 9th, 2009

[info]letalelandlord in [info]bellumletale

le masque

{These invitations were slipped underneath the door of every apartment in the building. For those apartments housing more than one person, enough were left to cover every person in the apartment over 18. The invitations are printed on vintage paper, so worn that it feels feathery to the touch, but the ink is new and the type professionally done.}

you are cordially invited )

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

anonymous feedback post 3

Hello, and welcome to the third Bellum Letale feedback post. Your concerns are very important to us. All comments will be made anonymous for resident privacy, and to promote honesty.

{The voice post this time is not a recording of the text of the post. There is silence for the first five seconds, and then what sounds like a record player kicks on. The pops and crackles unique to spinning vinyl enter the track. At first, there is only static.

Then the voices of children come in, soft and indistinct, seeming far away. They sound like they're playing, and their voices echo. Small, pounding footsteps come closer and closer, then scramble to a stop. They speak in hushed voices. The quality of the recording makes what they are saying difficult to make out. The listener can, however, easily identify the voice of a boy and two girls. The boy says "What is that?" and then something indistinct. The girl exclaims something excitedly, then "I'm dropping my nickle in!"

There is the sound of soft footsteps on stone, almost too quiet to hear, and then the girl's voice, suddenly clear, says "Wow! So deep."

There is a cracking sound. Then there is a shriek.

This is followed by a splash, then screaming, then another splash. A few more splashes follow, and the objects making them sound weighty.

For a moment things are quiet. A girl's voice can be heard sobbing, softly, for the next few minutes. She slowly eases to a stop, only hiccuping every once in a while. There are footsteps again, close, closer, and then the girl's voice is clear, as if she has suddenly stepped up to a hidden microphone, as she screams. It is an unholy, bloodcurdling noise. The voice of the boy is back, and he sounds light-hearted and happy despite the fact that his joyful exclamation mingles with her scream.

"C'mon in!"

There is a final splash, thrashing noises that start swift and then slow. Then silence. Silence. Silence. And the track clicks to a stop.}

[info]justlikelife in [info]bellumletale

Call to Piper's cellphone.

[After this.


[info]labete in [info]bellumletale

Email to 401 from R1.

Whose violent property fordoes itself/And leads the will to desperate undertakings... )

[info]la_serpiente in [info]bellumletale

Coming from 202

Mexicans and their soap operas. Not just stereotyping. )