November 25th, 2009

[info]ex_traceur61 in [info]bellumletale

posted by #102

Angry ass landlord and fucked up pipes? Should I just stop unpacking now?

I’m Max, by the way. The new guy on the first floor. Sorry to my new neighbors if I kept anyone up last night. Especially when the couch just slipped out of my hands. But that should be the last time. Everything else was meant to be moved by one guy without much trouble.

[info]runrunaway in [info]bellumletale

posted by #707

I've realized that I've lived here for about two weeks and still haven't properly introduced myself to everyone. I'm Ryan in room 707.

But the reason I'm posting is because I wanted to ask my neighbors if I was bothering them. I have no idea how thin or thick these walls are so if you hear me practicing my guitar please tell me now. I'll tune it down if I can.

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

anonymous feedback post 2

{Yet again, the post is text with a voice post attached. The voice post is, yet again, a computerized text-to-speech program reading the entry. Then it reads it again in Spanish. Then in Romanian, Russian, Romany, Yiddish, French, and Italian, ending abruptly after the last repetition.}

Welcome to the Bellum Letale feedback post. Your concerns are of the greatest importance. Anonymous commenting is encouraged to foster honesty, but is not required.

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