
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+yolanda'

Nov. 4th, 2020




Are there being ghosts here?

Was anybody seeing me walking around in tiny shorts?

Rudy is saying that Eon be staring at me. In the good way! I think i should be telling him I be liking him.

Mr Morgan
You are being a very pretty man and cat. And you date a man. So you are understanding men. How would you be asking a boy out on a date?

Sep. 25th, 2020




I am having a problem. Can I be asking you a question?

Mr Morgan can I be asking you a favor?

And a question?

Jul. 24th, 2020



I have been denied the chance to learn dark magic detecting magic.

And I am tired of rumours.

And I do not have time to do this 'investigating' our juniour sleuths keep telling me to.

Someone tell me who cast an Unforgivable on a staff member.



[ YOLI ]


Jul. 23rd, 2020



So, there's only so much fun one can have in the med bay and with a lady who turns into a possum.

Hello. I'm Aidan. I'm the cause of such chaos. I deeply apologize. Certain string beans have a tendency to lose it when long lost presumed dead friends arrive on their doorstep. Such a newb.

Well, anyway, since said string bean is off not here to cater to my every whim like a good bro would, I find myself at a loss. So. Please. Keep me focused on things other than the painfully slow healing process. Bodies, am I right, folks?

[ Staff ]

On a serious note, thank you for the safe harbor. I really am sorry for the dramatics. I wasn't expecting to invade your turf like this. I just needed to find a friendly. Once I heal up, I'll get out of your hair if that's what your security team decides. No harm, no foul.

Jul. 9th, 2020



I am wanting to thank you teachers for doing a very much good job to be helping us. Miss Rhea I know does a lot of the working especially.

I am also wanting to thank you for coming to mine and Molly's party. I am glad you are being my friends.

Eon & Rudy

You are both knowing a lot about Lee already. Can you be telling me what he likes? I want to get him something as a gift

You did not be coming to my party. Is it because of Rudy or are we not being friends?

Can we be talking? In person please?




k, my dudes.

we finally managed to suss out this book sitch here at beauxbatons

there was three names crossed out

evangeline vernier
sacha lyon
mehdi martin

ya'll got people who can track those kids down, right?

mme. maxime's still all shock and awe over the book being cracked in the first place. we think it wasn't just one person. there had to be at LEAST a few dirty little hands running around.

so like, we're still looking at it and all, but can we talk about here??

you know, the place my lil sibs are stuck because they got no place else to go??

can ya'll not be doing weekend spa runs to places far off while your mugs are plastered to wanted posters??? even IF it hasn't landed on one yet, i mean, c'mon. it's only a matter of time. as much as it chaps my ass to say, MACUSA might be compromised. the US was already wacked, but now with more english ministry bullshit.

and if someone follows your dumb butts back here and this place goes under again, there's at least two kids who will be SOL. yoli's already been through hell once and lee doesn't even know what day it is most of the time. those kids deserve some peace. i'm gonna bet most of them do.

so don't compromise us for some cucumbers on your eyeballs, alright???

[Yoli and Lee]
my little dudes. how goes it?

Jun. 30th, 2020




The cookies were very tasty. I am very thanks.

Can I be asking you a question?

I am remembering you were my friend. Why did you choosing to be my friend?

May. 14th, 2020



My brother has been deciding to come around. Please be very nice to him. I have been deciding to let my hair grow out so Rudy and Emma can be seeing. That is why you will be seeing me with green hair.

When will the devil, the cat impersonator, el assesino Morgan Dancer be coming back?

You should be his friend, Miss Jack.

I started watching the drag race. It is very interesting.

Letter to Morgan
[Written after Rhea's comment because she doesn't want to get murdered]
Hello, PrincipeMorgan

Your sister is saying you are coming back soon. Do not be rushing your recovery.
