
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+emma'

Jul. 23rd, 2020



Owl to Cwingen )

Jul. 9th, 2020



To All,

I believe I can better serve Bastion elsewhere. While Axel is a more-than-suitable Herbologist, I have realized in my studies with him and Mari that there are certain plants we are lacking at Bastion. The sort that are difficult to come by in France, so I have volunteered to seek them out myself.

I am not sure how long I will be gone, but I will write when I can and send whatever I find. I have promised Rhea that I will remain safe while I am gone and I will keep my journal here at Bastion to ensure it does not get discovered by anyone unsafe while I am gone.

Please remain safe and make sure Marianne and JJ do not lock themselves up in the hospital room for too long.

Also, Eddie and Mari must let me know when they are getting married. JJ, I will seek out those games on video for you.

I will miss this place for now.



P.S. I have given Daisy several brownie recipes and she is well suited to bake them upon your request.

[Emma will not be responding to journal comments since she left her journal with Rhea for safe keeping]

May. 30th, 2020



I've been reading up on various plants and herbs and doing a bit of experimenting. Sorry for the cheese smell coming from the greenhouse lately.

Can everyone please be careful of the powder blue flowers I planted near the east edge of the property. And if anyone can catch the goat and tie him up, I will bake brownies for you (he's been trying to eat them).

Mar. 25th, 2020



Owl to Rudy

happy birthday! here is your world piece. may you grow many more.



[The owl includes a very nice, a floral wrapped jar of dirt with a single daisy growing inside of it.]

Mar. 14th, 2020



Has anyone else smelled the decay in the hallway? I want to say it smells like death, but that can't be right. Can it?


Dec. 27th, 2019



I think we brought something back.

Are the shadows moving for anyone else?

[Primrose and Elliot]

Have you been waking up with the feeling someone is staring at you?

Before you panic, they're definitely not trying to kill us. maybe

Dec. 21st, 2019



Filter: Bastion Students

What is everyone doing on Christmas? I feel like most people are returning home. Is anyone going to stay at Bastion?

Also, we should go ghost hunting. Do we have ghosts at Bastion? If so, why haven't I seen any?

Dec. 16th, 2019



So this is Bastion? It seems small. And very dusty.

Does it always smell like stale beer? That's not meant to be a judgment, I'm just curious.

I'm Emma, by the way. I just moved in. I suppose I'm here to study.