
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+xander'

Apr. 11th, 2021



Miss my wife. Miss my friend.

Anyone want to chop wood?


Play about as animals?

Do something that doesn't involve looking at a slow bloody talk ticking?

Mar. 21st, 2021



Which one of you did this?

Mar. 12th, 2021



I got a wife.

That's cool.

Mar. 9th, 2021



Have you got two rings in that pile of Dancer jewelry that aren't cursed that I can borrow for a bit?

I'm going to marry Natalia before she leaves.

Please marry me and Natalia before she leaves.

Hey, kid. Your mum's gonna be leaving the Bastion for a bit. We're gonna get hitched before she goes. I'm sorry it's so short notice. Will you still come?

Nat and I are going to get married. It's going to be small and quick. Will you still come?

I'll leave it up to you to tell Angel the real reason why you're going.

And tell Naline.

Love you.

Mar. 3rd, 2021



Has anyone seen my phone?

I lost it.

It's got a red and gold case.

Please don't just accio it, there's things on there I don't want to lose by it being broken.

Feb. 6th, 2021



Looked at the calendar today and realised I've been with the Bastion about a year now.

In that time I've:
- found a lady
- and a couple of kids
- turned into an animagus
- taught a few things
- won a few quidditch games
- got some new friends
- a free short trip to paris

All in all, not terrible.

What sort've good things have you had happen over the last year?

Jan. 29th, 2021



If someone is making too much noise for you, maybe try knocking? Shouting "for fuck's sake" doesn't really help.

[Natalia and Aidan]
Thank you.

I'm going to sleep for a week now.

I'd like to have dinner with all of us again.

Jan. 15th, 2021




I'm back.

I'll be outside if anyone needs me.

So... any development?

What is a "lollipop terrier man" and why is my daughter drawing pictures of it? It looks like a monster with a hat?

Jan. 1st, 2021



[Text to Rhea]
>> i figured it out
>> ur mad bc i told morgan about guys?
>> and not you first?
>> really?
>> cuz ironic

[Text to August]
>> hey
>> it's xander
>> weird q
>> did we hook up
>> in barcelona?

[Text to Angel]
>> hey kid
>> you found anything good for a tattoo yet?

[Text to Staff Chat]
>> someone should check in w/ molly
>> she went back w/ me to my center to see about talking to some ppl

Dec. 13th, 2020



[Text to Nat]
>> hi, love you
>> why's quinn telling me you kissed aidan?

[Text to Aidan]
>> hi
>> did you kiss my fiance????

[Text to Rhea]
>> hi, love you
>> what in god's name is happening over there

[Text to Elliott]
>> hi, love you
>> what in god's name is happening over there

[Text to Jason]
>> doing alright?

[Text to Morgan]
>> hello
>> it's xander
>> doing ok?

Nov. 26th, 2020



[Lethes + Aidan and Archer]
[ie, everyone who has the last name Lethe, plus: Rhea, Jack, Natalia, Angel, Morgan]
tw: ptsd/drug discussion )

Nov. 18th, 2020



Nice pile of wood against the back of the house if anyone needs it for fire. Good job, Molly.

Looking into getting more brooms. What's one thing you want to learn about flying when we get them?

Option of kicking the shit out of some wood with an axe is still open. Clearing some trees at the property line for security.

Found any cool designs?

[Staff, excluding Zeke]
Can someone not me ask Zeke to pick up brooms? I'm picking up Flying again.

Nov. 15th, 2020



On Rhea's Birthday

[Left outside Rhea's dwelling is a red and gold woven friendship bracelet. The stitches are crooked in places and the bracelet itself is much too long to fit Rhea.

Pinned to it is a note:

"Love you.

Thanks for being my sister.


Beneath the bracelet is a a folded sheet of paper. Unfolding it reveals a painting by Quinn of a grey blob labeled "trole" and a tiny stick figure raised in the air and kicking it in the head labeled "aunte rhea".]

Nov. 7th, 2020



Anyone else awake?

You alright? I saw what Zeke said about supplies. Does that mean you're getting better?

Is it good being officially-officially married?

Maybe we ought to get hitched soon. Incase something else happens. It'd be nice to know. And maybe we should get rings after all. Or something that's part of you. Or picked by you. When I was at the Ministry I realised I didn't have anything of yours.

I'm out of the med ward now. I'm fine, really. Please tell mum to stop trying to stuff sausage rolls in me. You can all have them.

Listen, it's kind of a silly idea, but when I was at the Ministry I realised I didn't have anything of yours. What do you say to finding or making some matching rings or necklaces? Or a tattoo?

I think I'll be ok to retake up flying, if that's alright. And we can find some brooms.

Who still feels like shit? Want to cut firewood with me about it?

Nov. 3rd, 2020



if oranges are orange

why aren't limes called greens

i made some sandwiches

who wants a sanwich

Oct. 31st, 2020




i forgot to say before

the old herbology mentor jesper is with the death eaters

maybe we should make a survey going forward

are you an evil twat check yes or no

before we let them in


can someone ask my mum

if my name is alexander???

Oct. 30th, 2020



stop throwing things at my mouth while im sleeping

whoever put the hoop there is an arse

im going to chip a tooth

Oct. 14th, 2020



Can anyone here cut hair well? I'd rather it not look all mangled. It's for the wedding.


The adults are going on some lame sailing trip this weekend but I'm staying back to hang with Quinn. Want to commandeer the telly in one of the great rooms for some movies?

I'm around today. Will be this weekend too, but Quinn and Angel get first dibs on my time.

If you like, we usually have a big meal at mine and Nat's on Wednesdays. Lots of kids and Lethes, but people like Rhea, Jack, Gil, and Aidan are there.

Have fun, don't drown.

Oct. 7th, 2020




You fucker.

You gotta stop saying random shit to me without thinking about it.

"Dream of me"? Really?

Sep. 20th, 2020


