
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+bubble'

Jul. 23rd, 2020



So, there's only so much fun one can have in the med bay and with a lady who turns into a possum.

Hello. I'm Aidan. I'm the cause of such chaos. I deeply apologize. Certain string beans have a tendency to lose it when long lost presumed dead friends arrive on their doorstep. Such a newb.

Well, anyway, since said string bean is off not here to cater to my every whim like a good bro would, I find myself at a loss. So. Please. Keep me focused on things other than the painfully slow healing process. Bodies, am I right, folks?

[ Staff ]

On a serious note, thank you for the safe harbor. I really am sorry for the dramatics. I wasn't expecting to invade your turf like this. I just needed to find a friendly. Once I heal up, I'll get out of your hair if that's what your security team decides. No harm, no foul.

Jul. 1st, 2020



i have woken up today with a GREAT SENSE OF FOREBODING. to help everyone I have scried all the things to scry, and read all the leaves to be read. BE WARE OF THE FUTURES COMING

Griff - Will hook up with the new american dude who is probably hot by dude standards i guess. You should also be AFRAID OF TROUBLEMAKING HUMMINGBIRDS

Naline - you will be set on fire

Archer - you will also have an encounter with fire

NEW AMERICAN DUDE WHOS NAME I CAN"T REMEMBER: jump at 7:06PM today and be wary of forks

Teo - you have romance looming on the corner!! Well that or a pet. I can't read it correctly


Elliott - sad sad heartbreak

Morgan - you will not be the first to marry in the bastion. sorry

Rhea - MAYBE A THREESOME? You will get sick

NEW GIRL MOLLY - hi i don't have a prediction for you but i like your hair!!

EVERYONE - you will say something you regret OOPS

[Added Later]


May. 5th, 2020



Letters sent to the Dancers. )

Apr. 29th, 2020



Hi. Do you think we could have tea together??

Was that breakdown anything to do with you????

Is there anything that makes this sober thing easier??

Apr. 20th, 2020



I am not quite ready to resume classes just yet, but I encourage you guys to continue to keep track of your dreams and use your textbook (if you didn't lose it in the move over) to interpret them. This is a really good time for dream interpretations as situations like this tend to open up doors in your brain that are more susceptible to potential futures! If you did lose it, let me know and we'll see if someone can get us some copies!

Morgan wants me to give you back your tooth. So fine. >:(

Im gonna give back his tooth!

I'm sure you don't have your book, so I'll make sure you're the first one to get one. Go easy, you went through a lot so while it is a good time for dream interpretation, it'll be tough too!

You're a really good friend! Thank you!!

Emma is taking a lot of Draughts of Sleep and smoking weed. I'm not a healer, but that doesn't sound super healthy.... Should we do something? You tell me you know this stuff!!

Mar. 16th, 2020



Howler delivered to Jesper during Lunch


Mar. 13th, 2020



[Owl] Delivered to Jesper

You will be attacked by a feline

Mar. 10th, 2020




I forsee that you will forget your dream interpretations journals, and no I am not saying this because most of you have forgotten the last TWO CLASSES, I saw this in my own dream interpretation. SO PROVE ME WRONG AND BRING THEM PLEASE!!

Also, wear rain boots tomorrow!!

BEST FRIEND! I think we should do something together!! If you don't pick something I'll probably decide on something surprising and awful

Are you feeling better?

[Other Less Cool Staff]
Wear rain boots! & sorry to whoever gets bad news this week. No I don't know what it is. Or who is gonna get it. Maybe it meant Antony that future home wrecker going to jail, who KNOWS!!

Feb. 25th, 2020



[Filter: students]

Hello children!!

Reading the tea leaves I am getting unusual readings related to younger persons. Something about thin hand marks and injury! Would anyone like to help guide me into understanding this vision!?

Also, for today everyone should avoid things in the red shade family. Will bring you bad luck

Dec. 12th, 2019



Hi Hi Hi

I'm your new Divination mentor! I'm SUPER excited to be here and help you guys learn. It's going to be so much fun!!! I can also do readings and other things for you other mentors and helpers to The Bastion! I love to do that. I left some of my cards in the common room!

Oh riiiiite

The name is Bubble!

[OOC: Below are the cards she left around the common room]