
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+natalia'

Sep. 30th, 2020



If you wanna get behind the gossip before Morgan Dancer beats you to it.

I got pregnant with his child when we were young. Found out when I caught him cheating on me. Gave the baby up for adoption. The child will be here soon.


What did they end up naming the child?

Sep. 28th, 2020



Rhea and Xander
So Xander can complain with you, I decided to tell you. Do not tell Morgan. I am planning to tell him.

Back when I broke up with Morgan, right before we broke up, I was going to tell him I was pregnant. I put the baby up for adoption. Apparently, the child will be here soon.

Do you remember when you asked if I had gotten bored of you? I still have not don't worry. I still care for you greatly. I think of you as a son. I know Xander does as well. Even though we are terrible parents. I just wanted to emphasize that before I told you this.

I was pregnant as a teen. I gave up the child for adoption. I had never expected to see the child again. I was wrong.

That will not change the fact that I care for you.

We need to talk.

For whatever reason, you get along with Morgan Dancer, right?

Aug. 13th, 2020



First off: I want to apologize for the glassware this morning. I will be replacing it for the school. And repairing some of the windows.

Second: I am sorry for keeping those who were near my room up last night. I understand that Natalia tried to throw up a silencing charm.


Fourth: My daughter is now at the school for those who do not know. Ignore everything she says about me. She is a bitter girl and her father has turned her against me.

Finally:. Natalia is a goddess and if anyone says anything bad about her, I will set you on fire.


Did Santi break up with me to be with you?!


It's over. Happy? You can go screw him all you want. You can marry him. Him and his stupid big muscles.



I hope you all had fun yesterday.

I certainly did!

Aug. 7th, 2020



bon jeu, my dudes.

Jul. 24th, 2020



I have been denied the chance to learn dark magic detecting magic.

And I am tired of rumours.

And I do not have time to do this 'investigating' our juniour sleuths keep telling me to.

Someone tell me who cast an Unforgivable on a staff member.

Jul. 23rd, 2020



So, there's only so much fun one can have in the med bay and with a lady who turns into a possum.

Hello. I'm Aidan. I'm the cause of such chaos. I deeply apologize. Certain string beans have a tendency to lose it when long lost presumed dead friends arrive on their doorstep. Such a newb.

Well, anyway, since said string bean is off not here to cater to my every whim like a good bro would, I find myself at a loss. So. Please. Keep me focused on things other than the painfully slow healing process. Bodies, am I right, folks?

[ Staff ]

On a serious note, thank you for the safe harbor. I really am sorry for the dramatics. I wasn't expecting to invade your turf like this. I just needed to find a friendly. Once I heal up, I'll get out of your hair if that's what your security team decides. No harm, no foul.



[ Nat ]

So, I know they're going to be giving us summer defense classes. However, I'd rather not look like the remedial kid. You think you could give me a crash course before the first day? And maybe Angel can help tutor me on the ones you think I need more work on.

[ Angel ]

I know we don't really talk about DADA stuff because I'm still figuring out the other basics, but I really don't want to humiliate myself in the required organized defense summer school. Think you could help me out? I ask Nat to give me a crash course but it never hurts to have someone to practice with.

Jul. 9th, 2020




k, my dudes.

we finally managed to suss out this book sitch here at beauxbatons

there was three names crossed out

evangeline vernier
sacha lyon
mehdi martin

ya'll got people who can track those kids down, right?

mme. maxime's still all shock and awe over the book being cracked in the first place. we think it wasn't just one person. there had to be at LEAST a few dirty little hands running around.

so like, we're still looking at it and all, but can we talk about here??

you know, the place my lil sibs are stuck because they got no place else to go??

can ya'll not be doing weekend spa runs to places far off while your mugs are plastered to wanted posters??? even IF it hasn't landed on one yet, i mean, c'mon. it's only a matter of time. as much as it chaps my ass to say, MACUSA might be compromised. the US was already wacked, but now with more english ministry bullshit.

and if someone follows your dumb butts back here and this place goes under again, there's at least two kids who will be SOL. yoli's already been through hell once and lee doesn't even know what day it is most of the time. those kids deserve some peace. i'm gonna bet most of them do.

so don't compromise us for some cucumbers on your eyeballs, alright???

[Yoli and Lee]
my little dudes. how goes it?

Jun. 15th, 2020




My darling Xander said yes, not that he had a choice of course

#Prettiest Bride to Be #he said yes

(Am I using the tag hashes right?)

[After Robin corrected her]

#PrettiestBridetoBe #hesaidYes

(Are they correct now?)

Mar. 25th, 2020



In case you all didn't know, today is the day of one of your ambassador's birth. My darling brother Antony celebrates his 700th birthday today! Please do wish the old man well.

Owls that were sent out that morning

To Rudy:
a fancy feather quill, and a history book encompassing different leaders' rise to power.
Happy belated birthday, future minister

To Antony:
several chocolate frogs, and a framed photo of her and Antony when they were younger looking happy together.
Happy birthday, brother

Feb. 18th, 2020




Devon darling, I want to confirm this for my own knowledge so I can tell everyone they are stupid. Are you gay?


I have been told I have been petty and unfair by someone I paid money to give me advice. So I suppose I should apologise.

Feb. 3rd, 2020



Isn't it fun when you can ruin someone's life?

Jan. 23rd, 2020



So how was your date, big brother? You do a lot of extra curricular activity?

[message "accidentally" left unfiltered and visible to all]

Jan. 8th, 2020



[filter to: Sparrow]

You say that I am nice.



I don't

How exactly would a nice person act when someone apolgises?

[filter to: Devon]

If there's a conversation I don't want to have, but is pretty serious, is it better to do it in person? Or on these silly journals?

Dec. 11th, 2019



Filter to: Natalia

What are you doing here?