
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+jason'

Jul. 23rd, 2020



So, there's only so much fun one can have in the med bay and with a lady who turns into a possum.

Hello. I'm Aidan. I'm the cause of such chaos. I deeply apologize. Certain string beans have a tendency to lose it when long lost presumed dead friends arrive on their doorstep. Such a newb.

Well, anyway, since said string bean is off not here to cater to my every whim like a good bro would, I find myself at a loss. So. Please. Keep me focused on things other than the painfully slow healing process. Bodies, am I right, folks?

[ Staff ]

On a serious note, thank you for the safe harbor. I really am sorry for the dramatics. I wasn't expecting to invade your turf like this. I just needed to find a friendly. Once I heal up, I'll get out of your hair if that's what your security team decides. No harm, no foul.

May. 8th, 2020



[Because I cannot figure out code, just imagine the following text is fancy and done with every intent to be a show-off of his amazing penmanship. His signature in particular takes up half a page]

Good afternoon.

These journals are very fascinating, very inventive. I think cell phones are still much simpler, but I am impressed. Hello all, I'm Jason Lethe, the original and eldest. I met a couple of you this morning while Rhea showed me around. I got in touch with Rhea and she invited me to come along, so here I am. I hope to get to know each and every one of you quite well! I work with the Quibbler, but prior to that I used to work with the Prophet before it got well, to just be a propagandist bulletin. Yes, I know a lot of the Quibbler can be eccentric, but it was a place I was able to publish real articles. If you all have any questions about journalism, accurate news, or even some notable figures in our community (I have interviewed several), I would be more than happy to speak to any of you.

I brought some cake and left it in your kitchen, everyone feel free to help yourselves.

Lethes: I look forward to seeing you at our family dinner tonight.

Jason Lethe