
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+jack'

Feb. 14th, 2021



Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you to those who sent cards and treats my way.

I completely forgot about it this week, but I promise something big for Easter!

[Staff except for Rhea]

Rhea's finally resting and she's also still very upset.

I'm asking everyone to be gentle with her for now. She worried one of you is going to try to harm Síon. I'm talking to you, Naline.


Please try to reach out to your sister this week. And be nice!


Thanks for the cookies and the card. Can you check in with your grandma and make sure she's okay today? I haven't seen her in a few days and I don't want her running off to marry Griff.


Your presentations will be pushed back until Tuesday. I'll check in with you all during class on Monday, but it will be a shortened period to give you a little more time to prepare.

Jan. 1st, 2021



Is anyone else making New Years' resolutions? I know people don't always keep them, but it's not a bad idea to start off positively!

I'm resolving to be more mindful, get back into music, and re-dedicate myself to a healthy lifestyle. I know, not very original.

Anyone else trying something new this year?

Please keep it positive, guys.


When was the last time we went on a date?


You are not even considering cheating on Zeke, right?


It's been a rough start this year, but I hope everyone's well-rested after the break. Rhea's already talked about taking on some apprenticeships, and I'm open to tutoring anyone in charms if you're interested (most of you are pretty adept by now, but I'm offering). Or you can just hang out and learn a bit more about advanced charms and spellcraft.

Nov. 2nd, 2020




Hey Kid,

How do you feel about taking over a bit more for classes this coming term? I'm doing some extra research to help reinforce this place. I don't want the kids to miss anything, especially now, and you're an excellent teacher.

I'll still be around and I can teach whatever you can't.

P.S. Don't get too comfortable! I can't have you thinking I'd just hand you my job now.


I'm taking a little bit of time off from teaching. I asked Elliott to take over for a while. Don't worry, it's temporary. I just don't think I can do the job right with the lack of sleep.

Plus, this frees me up to help with anything extra we need to do around here!


Can we talk? Face to face, I mean.

Oct. 31st, 2020




I'm checking in. Xander

I heard that something happened you might not want me to know

You okay?

[added after a couple hours]


i don't know if the wedding thing was still a good idea

i don't know what i'm doing as an aunt

i never asked for any of this

Oct. 30th, 2020



Most of you know that Rhea and I kind of already got married before everything bad happened. Sorry for not saying anything, but we did want to celebrate with everyone we loved.

So, that's still happening tomorrow if anyone is down for it. Nothing too crazy. Just good food and good friends and something light-hearted.

And I know some people might not want to come or be able to make it with everything going on. We just thought it might be good for everyone to remember that even in dark times, the light can still shine through.


Was that okay?


Almost forgot, Happy Birthday!

Oct. 22nd, 2020




Are you safe? My cell doesn't work.

Are you with your grandma?


Robin hasn't responded at all.

Can you text him?


Oct. 7th, 2020



Great quidditch game this weekend, guys!!! Thanks to those who came and played along.

Now, I have just one question. Who the fuck took my leg? I won't be mad. Just return it ASAP. Hobbling around on a crutch is a pain in the ass. If you see a fox running around the school for the rest of the week, you know why.


Thanks for the treasures and the cheese puffs! Good call.


I wanted to thank you for the porg!! So adorable. I was tempted to name him Little El, but I don't want to offend you. Got any suggestions?


24 days.


Thanks for the super cute cupcakes. Now I have a favor to ask you!


I have a favor to ask you. Also, it might get your mind off of your mother.


So you're down for being a co-best man, right?

[Eon and Rudy]

Rudy, I don't think this was you. Tell Eon to give it back, please. Thank you.

Sep. 28th, 2020




Halloween is coming up. Save the date!

Also, my birthday is this weekend and I demand a Quidditch game. We haven't had one in awhile. Plus, falling in the show hurts less!

Who's in??

Aug. 31st, 2020



I realized it's been a while since we had a real Quidditch match. Anyone interested in getting one together this Friday?


I realized I haven't checked in with you all lately. I wanted to ask if anyone wanted to work on anything specific this week or even hold some extra office hours for general questions.

I also wanted to see how are you guys holding up with all the drama with all of the changes.

I'm sorry for taking off with Rhea when we did. She needed to get the heck out of here between the Nora thing and the drama between Xander and Morgan.

I don't think it's a bad idea to start going stricter on staff, though. And I'm happy to work with August to put anything together.


Interesting turn of events. Welcome to the drama. Let me know when you want to meet and put something together.


How are you doing? Just checking in to see if you're okay. You up for some extra flying lessons this week?

Aug. 20th, 2020



[Rhea, Robin, Morgan, Zeke, Xander, Natalia, Eddie, Mari, Antony, Gerri, Elliott, and various other Lethes]


Rhea and I would like to invite you all to a picnic Saturday afternoon. Nothing formal, just a nice time outdoors with some special people. You're welcome to bring others, but it would be great if you all could be there.


I understand if you don't want to join us because of Xander and Natalia, but it would be very nice for you to attend if you can still attend (even just for a moment). I think it would mean a lot to Rhea and Morgan. Plus, you could meet my mom!

[Xander and Natalia]

Please try to get along with Morgan and Zeke (if he comes). It would mean a lot to Rhea and myself


You should bring Angel if he wants to come.

Aug. 15th, 2020



Crazy morning, right? Sorry for that little misadventure, everyone! Glad no one was too injured and I promise the damage will be cleaned up and repaired by Monday!

Great teamwork with catching the troll, though! Looks like all that training paid off.


So, our very ill-conceived plan worked!!!! Thank you!!

Aug. 13th, 2020



I hope you all had fun yesterday.

I certainly did!

Aug. 8th, 2020



Congratulations to everyone for surviving yesterday.

I apologise for the subterfuge. I wanted to make sure you understood that no matter how well you stick to dueling rules, horrible adults will cheat in real fights.

Luckily, you can take it out on us on Wednesday.

I hope you had fun despite everything. I believe there is cake available in the kitchen to celebrate the birthdays of Alex and Marianne. I have also provided one to apologise for the cheating. It is free for all students.

Have a good weekend.

[The cake in the kitchen is about an inch tall, with melted buttercream and blotchy iced words that spell out


Jul. 31st, 2020



Congratulations! Most of you passed Charms. Many of you still need to work on some of the more complex spells, though. I'll be running a training next week for some of these. This will also help you be ready for the next session.


I know the new session is starting soon, but I think they need more training in defense and counter-charms. That's your specialization, but maybe we can team up a little bit? Two heads are better than one. Three if Elliott is onboard. What do you think?

Jul. 25th, 2020



[ JACK ]

I want to give a thank you gift to someone. Not a baked good because I think I'm tapped out for a bit which I'm sure a few people's waistlines will be thankful for. Also not something that will seem like a 2nd grader's craft project because I'm not that crafty. I also don't want to go too big because I don't want to spook them like I'm trying too hard. But also not a Hallmark Card because I don't want them to think I don't want to try either.

It's stupid. I know. But my brain obsesses and overthinks.



Maybe a trip into town to one of the shops? When you're feeling better, that is.

Jul. 24th, 2020



I have been denied the chance to learn dark magic detecting magic.

And I am tired of rumours.

And I do not have time to do this 'investigating' our juniour sleuths keep telling me to.

Someone tell me who cast an Unforgivable on a staff member.

Jul. 23rd, 2020



So, there's only so much fun one can have in the med bay and with a lady who turns into a possum.

Hello. I'm Aidan. I'm the cause of such chaos. I deeply apologize. Certain string beans have a tendency to lose it when long lost presumed dead friends arrive on their doorstep. Such a newb.

Well, anyway, since said string bean is off not here to cater to my every whim like a good bro would, I find myself at a loss. So. Please. Keep me focused on things other than the painfully slow healing process. Bodies, am I right, folks?

[ Staff ]

On a serious note, thank you for the safe harbor. I really am sorry for the dramatics. I wasn't expecting to invade your turf like this. I just needed to find a friendly. Once I heal up, I'll get out of your hair if that's what your security team decides. No harm, no foul.

Jul. 15th, 2020




Okay guys, your Charms final starts tomorrow and I'll give you two chances to show me you can perform the following:

Alohomora and Anti-Alohomora
Reparo and Scorify
Anti-Furta (anti-theft spell)
Obtundo (the area stun spell we worked on last week)
Incendio and Incendio-Frez
Glacius duo
Homenum Revelio
Fianto Duri

And everyone will need to show this one (I will give you up to 4 chances):

Fend prohibere

I'll be offering extra tutoring this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon for those who don't pass their first go-through.


Think you can stick around after class to help tutor kids today and tomorrow?


I need a pepper-up potion. Maybe like...four. Please.


Can we talk?

Jul. 9th, 2020



I am wanting to thank you teachers for doing a very much good job to be helping us. Miss Rhea I know does a lot of the working especially.

I am also wanting to thank you for coming to mine and Molly's party. I am glad you are being my friends.

Eon & Rudy

You are both knowing a lot about Lee already. Can you be telling me what he likes? I want to get him something as a gift

You did not be coming to my party. Is it because of Rudy or are we not being friends?

Can we be talking? In person please?

Jul. 5th, 2020




I'm back home. Some of you already know that it didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. Long story short, I'm on the wanted list in America and the Americans here might need to be careful visiting home anytime soon.

I think it would be a good idea to not to contact Ilvermorny until we know more (that means you, Naline). It would also be a good idea for anyone associated with the MACUSA to maybe put an ear to the ground and see what you guys can find out. I don't think they were fully infiltrated like the Ministry was, but there are definitely some sympathizers in there.

Also, my mom's temporarily living at Bastion. Don't mind her, magic is kind of a new thing for her. She might be a little jumpy, but she'll adapt.


Whatever you find out, don't keep me in the dark. Also, I want to help if I can.


Your grandmother is now living in your own room. Surprise.