
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+marianne'

Feb. 17th, 2021



there should be a missing middle finger rollin around somewhere in the west wing. if u find it pls hand it in to the medical ward thx

yknow, i was once arrested by aurors because my family didn't live by the conventional rules of magic society in the usa? technically im still on the run, but good luck catching me santiago! anyway, we believed in homeschooling, freedom of speech, and equality for all in our coven. we got investigated for being dangerous and law-breaking, just cuz we believe in freedom. that's the government for ya. if they can pretend they're going after big nasties, normal people turn a blind eye when they oppress outsiders like us. which they do, a hell of a lot more than they go after big nasties. remember kids: acab includes all aurors. they signed up to become weapons of the state. laws are threats made by the dominant socio-economic ethnic group and are a promise of violence. aurors bring that violence. especially cuz they get to feel morally superior while enacting violence. acab, baby. aaab.

off-topic. where was i?

anyway. as i was saying, it's funny how a "dangerous" group like ours had a lot fewer random body parts rolling around, cuz this is like the fifth finger that i've had to look for across three different schools.


We need to talk.

The new finger isn't healing correctly.

Nov. 10th, 2020



hello pals

i would just like to say how proud i am of all of you

it's been over a week and none of you have tried to attack each other.

well done!!!!

let's make it to two weeks and then maybe a MONTH of peace!!!

eta if we hit 2mos im assuming youve all been bodysnatched and will be runnin away

Aug. 7th, 2020



it is the birthday of ME and the very handsome ALEX tomorrow, we share a birthday as we are twins with different parents

DON'T DIE. that would be too much 2 deal w/ on my BIRTHDAY EVE

give us presents


Jul. 30th, 2020




saturday afternoon i will be running a quick lesson on healing charms and spells

also healing potions

and basic injuries you'll find yourself and/or others with while fighting a fascist empire

all the stuff i would have learned if id gone to medical school except FOR FREE and in ONE afternoon!

(i will do more afternoons too dancer is making me)

12:30-4:20 the OUTSIDE by the POOL


Jul. 10th, 2020




Come on over for a movie night.

Jun. 10th, 2020



just gonna go ahead and announce a full ban on punching each other in the face

just a full old ban

no more. not naming names, but here's a full stop on that.

here are some school healer approved ways to get out your stress that do not involve punching each other:

punching a pillow
screaming at the moon
kneading bread dough
going on a weekend trip
learning a new skill
bird watching
playing with an animal
punk music
reduce your caffeine intake
watch a comedy show
play a beat-em-up video game
jogging/other forms of exercise
checking your vitamin intake
improving your sleep
lighting a candle
reading a good book
watching a fun film
going for long walks
[staff only]
[staff and students]
running a nice bubble bath
going to a mental happy place
counting to ten

and many more!

i hope you consider all of these before your fist next makes contact with another person.

thanks gang.

May. 1st, 2020




i have things for you to help you sleep. i'll send em with eddie, ok?


babe, are you ok to deliver stuff to your cousin?

just some potions for sleep and calming. light stuff.

Apr. 21st, 2020



[Emma and JJ]

How're we doing there, champs?

Apr. 13th, 2020



I've been told by Daisy that the captured guys are on their way back.

I'm going to need volunteers to the infirmary. Not all hands, but close to it.

Daisy cooked up some stuff. Eat up, ok?

Mar. 27th, 2020



hey i need a refill on

1) draughts of peace
b) potion for dreamless sleep
3) wound cleaning potion
iv) blood replenishing potion

can someone brew them and bring them over?

if youre a contributor who doesnt actually contribute much to society in general (lookin at u, cops) bring me some skelegro. thnx.


sorry couldnt reply before that slowpoke eddie held me up

nothin at borgins in the shop or the house.


the reporter, hermes hartford

found a piece of paper inside his pillow that said "it is inside".

idk what that means

but it's a start

dont mind the blood in the medical room, its mostly morgans

Mar. 11th, 2020




i'm breaking into the reporters house

either stop me or come with me, piggy

Mar. 6th, 2020



[Bastion students]

hello my tall, strong, human children

i have become stuck in the walls of the potions classroom

i request aid

i do not teach a class but ill pretend you helped me with some medical stuff and give you extra credit

thank you children

ETA: extra extra credit to all who keep this a sacred secret between nurse and children

Feb. 8th, 2020



i found a potions book and it turns out potions are fuckin easy as shit

there's pepper-up potions available all you leaky-faced cold havers

kiss kiss except not because i don't want your germs


-nurse marianne

Jan. 22nd, 2020




macusa here

running away for a bit

brb once the heat is off

Jan. 11th, 2020



[Alex & Sparrow]

there's edibles & pain relieving potion on your bedside tables

have a nice quiet day


i left you a little care package outside your door. some wiggenweld potions and some chocolate. take a break and have a quiet day, okay?

Dec. 26th, 2019



[Alex and Sparrow]

ssssssorry again for puttin on a horses skull and attempting to rap battle u before dronking all your beer yssterday

i was possessed by the spirits of my welsh fourbears

also it was funny

Dec. 21st, 2019



i dont celebrate christmas but if you're hanging out here this holiday break, there'll be hot breakfasts and dinners served ERRY DAY

(as long as nobodys hurt or requires urgent medical care bc thats my priority or whatever)

have a good one from me, ur holiday buddy ❤️

Dec. 6th, 2019



i baked traditional english minced pies!

despite the name they are vegetarian


they are set up in the common room. come getcha sum!

[filter: alex]

hey i bought u a thing

just got the notif the package was delivered to reception

u got it?