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Posts Tagged: 'character:+angel'

Dec. 2nd, 2020



anyone else see the grim last night?

[mama and dad]

black wolf.

Nov. 25th, 2020



one of the rooms at the top of the tower in the east wing got set on fire when i walked in.

creepy green flames formed a big head and said "REMOVE THYSELF MUGGLE OR BURN"

pretty freaky & cool. when i used fire it just absorbed the fire i conjured and turned into a snake and threw it back at me. dope as hell. so yeah ig steer clear of that place if youre nomaj or muggleborn

oh yeah i also have predictions. as some of u know divination is my passion.

1. a big bird will be eaten this thursday. one of the students will go missing.

2. people will find themselves growing closer than they expect when the snow begins falling. not because we're all gonna be friends but bc it's gonna be extra cold.

3. oh yeh btw snow will fall tomorrow and last for a few weeks.

4. people will find themselves unusually attracted to a young but mature bearded gentleman

5. five people are going to slip and fall in the icy conditions caused by the snow:

tiny dancer

6. someone will accidentally splinch themselves this holiday season

7. someone will attempt to walk on the ice of a frozen lake and will fall through.

8. we'll see people flying overhead but they won't see us

9. the kitchen will run out of garlic bread after sparrow eats it all

10. the minute we get internet the staff will regret allowing students access without using parental controls to block tiktok

n e way i'm going to get more tea. can i pick anyone up anything?


is that a spell you know? absorbing fire and spitting it back out but bigger?

can you teach me?

Nov. 8th, 2020



[A photo of a distinctive hot dog in foil.]

Piece of piss.

I have snacks if you’re not allied with, as they say in this country, ‘total knobs’.

I also have toiletries. Deodorant. Shampoo. Conditioner. Moisturiser. Etc. Leaving em in some of the bathrooms.

Don’t need nothing here but transfig, dada and divination. Dunno why the rest of you try.


I got you a jar filled with cheese balls and another one filled with peanut butter crackers and another one filled with chocolates. I’ll bring them by. Also got you and Xander hot dogs.


btw hi i'm your older brother.

Nov. 6th, 2020



so like

how are we getting food and shit in?

if we're all being watched by the ministry of magic and american wands are being tracked and shit, a) how we gettin supplies here and b) when we getting wand replacements?

are we just sending the muggle moms to do it? cuz that feels dangerous for them. death eaters treat people they see as muggles really shitty. my cousin was in hospital with seizures for a while after they attacked him.

do we have plans or...what?

also, where's leyla?



can you show me how to be an animagus?

Oct. 29th, 2020



check it out:

[Angel has been working on charming this page. The following verses glow in different colours. When touched, they light up the page and play the associated music.]

Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
Keep on loving, keep on fighting
And hold on, and hold on
Hold on for your life

Remember me, though I have to say goodbye
Remember me; don't let it make you cry
For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me, though I have to travel far
Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
Until you're in my arms again, remember me

They say there's good grief
But how can you tell it from the bad?
Maybe it's only in the fact
Good grief's the one that's in your past

Feel the storm every night
Hope it passes by
Hallucinate a shady grove where Judas went to die

All the glory when he took our place
But he took my shoulders and he shook my face
And he takes and he takes and he takes

[Filter: Morgan and Xander and Robin]

[Under this filter, the following song plays loudly automatically, moving into a loud and annoying loop: Quiero Que Me Quieras.

Angel will set this off in the hospital ward and turn it off on their new journals individually, hoping to leave it going on the journals the death eaters captured indefinitely.]

Oct. 24th, 2020



[text to mentors]

> I had a vision
> Like a dream but I was awake

> Xander is being tortured
> Morgan Dancer is with him.
> I think they've been captured

> checked tea leaves for all of us
> Everyone is on interrupted journeys
> Danger ahead, life threatening

> I don't know much else I'm sorry
> Please save him
> I don't know what I we would do without him

Oct. 20th, 2020




I can see bad things coming in every thing I check. Tea leaves, Crystal ball, dream interpretation. All says something big and dark is coming.

Same for you?

[Nat and Xander]

Something bad is coming, faster than we think. Can you get the Lethes to get somewhere safe? Here doesn't feel safe.

[Jack and Robin]

Something terrible is going to happen. You should move Sarah, or get her somewhere safe. Here isn't safe.

Sep. 3rd, 2020




i'm the one who cast the cruciatus curse on xander.

sorry for the big mess i guess.

Aug. 3rd, 2020




fyi they're planning on releasing the dragon again.

just kill it or get rid of it bc it's gonna keep happening.

Jul. 30th, 2020



more tag pls. but for round 2 let's tag out the profs.

or paintball but w magic.


hey weird q

would you wanna go to church on sunday?

like it's dumb

but i found one that does masses in latin so we don't have to worry about missing cues in french ig

Jul. 23rd, 2020



[ Nat ]

So, I know they're going to be giving us summer defense classes. However, I'd rather not look like the remedial kid. You think you could give me a crash course before the first day? And maybe Angel can help tutor me on the ones you think I need more work on.

[ Angel ]

I know we don't really talk about DADA stuff because I'm still figuring out the other basics, but I really don't want to humiliate myself in the required organized defense summer school. Think you could help me out? I ask Nat to give me a crash course but it never hurts to have someone to practice with.

Jul. 18th, 2020



[ Angel ]

I may have contracted the plague.

So. I will probably be quarantining myself for a week.

[ Rhea ]

You are the plague rat. I stole medicine and tea and lemons.

Jul. 16th, 2020



[ Angel ]

Xander said we should go to his house and make Puppyccinos and play with his animals.

Jul. 11th, 2020



I might be trying something new this weekend. Does anyone want to be guinea pig taste testers?


I might make things this weekend.

Do you want something?

Also. Do you want to maybe make things with me if I do? Y'know. If you're bored hanging out in your room all day watching reruns on Netflix or scouring the internet for dark secrets in the weird parts of the internet. I don't know your internet life, haha.


Do you like sweets? I mean. I know you like Macarons but aside from those.

Jul. 9th, 2020



I am wanting to thank you teachers for doing a very much good job to be helping us. Miss Rhea I know does a lot of the working especially.

I am also wanting to thank you for coming to mine and Molly's party. I am glad you are being my friends.

Eon & Rudy

You are both knowing a lot about Lee already. Can you be telling me what he likes? I want to get him something as a gift

You did not be coming to my party. Is it because of Rudy or are we not being friends?

Can we be talking? In person please?

Jun. 27th, 2020




i haven't stolen any reflections.

if i am blamed or attacked for rudy's insane conclusions, im going to burn down this entire school with everyone in it respond in kind.

psa over.

Jun. 24th, 2020



Waterfight. Bet you can't hit me.

[Ángel is in front of the Chateau's fountain with a supersoaker filled with truthy water from the fountain.]

Jun. 12th, 2020



ive watched all of netflixs gay movies and set fire to some of the trees and now im bored.

what fun things are there to do while i wait for all stars to be loaded up tomorrow?

May. 26th, 2020



being a beater is fun as fuck

who would've thought hitting things with a bat would be fun?



btw rudy and eon are planning to ride the dragon

Apr. 19th, 2020



when are we getting internet?

I need to catch up on drag race and the only album I have saved on Spotify is George Michael's greatest hits. As much as I love Father Figure, I need something else.