
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+alexander'

Mar. 8th, 2021




Our position here is not tenable.

They find us, we run. They find us, we run. How many more times can we run away? We are giving them the upper hand. Giving them time, which is deadly for us, and for the children they hunt.

We need to do to them what they have done to us. We need to destabilize them. We need to find out what they are doing, and how. I know we have learned a little of this - the hand, the children, the Books they have tampered with. But what of the schools? Of Leyla? She was kind to me when most were not. I cannot forget that she is missing, and that we have not tried to find her. I am blaming no one for this; I know none of us know how to take such an action when we have no clues, no trail of evidence. I know going on the offensive is not always wise, but I think it is the only productive move we can make.

I do not suggest we do this at once, or head on. What I am suggesting is this: we know the members of this Initiative. Most are old blood, the kind who have houses with names. They are easy to find. Why not start with them? Find them alone. Question them. Search their big houses. The Ministry believes it is untouchable, and for that reason they will not take much care in hiding their plans. Look at what they’ve done already!

I know this is a dangerous suggestion. People may be hurt because of it. But if they continue to hunt us, and all we do is limp away, eventually they will make their kill. We have already lost too many.

[ Attached is an article clipped from the Daily Prophet, calling for the public to forward any knowledge of “magically inclined muggle children” to the Ministry of Magic, citing low enrollment rates for muggleborns in the Sentinel Schools and a desire for “help” in finding more. ]

We cannot spend any more time hiding. Please.

Apr. 30th, 2020



I have good news. The man you have seen around, he has been helping to fix our electricity. As of this morning everything seems to be working. So, yes, the wifi is next. I hope to have it up and running by the weekend.

If you find anything in the meantime that is broken or working badly, please let me know and I will come fix it.

[Filter: Ana]

Mija, where are you? You are worrying us. Why have you not gone to class?

[ added later ]

[Filter: Staff]

Ana is gone. From the sound of it she has been gone since yesterday. Did she say anything to anyone? Did anyone see her leave?

Apr. 27th, 2020



[Filter to: Gilbert, Jesper, Griffin]

Since I suppose I cannot avoid it anymore, I am also a werewolf, as is a student here. We will need to set up a divider of some sort in the cellar so she has privacy during her transformation.

Apr. 20th, 2020



[Filter: Mari]

I did not tell you before, but Sparrow and I are [ long pause ] we slept together.

[Filter: Staff (excluding Sparrow)]

Does anyone know how to make a guitar?

Apr. 12th, 2020



[Filter: Ana]

Hey, mija. Where are you? Are you safe?

Mar. 17th, 2020



[Filter: Jesper Ness]

You are not bringing a dragon into the Bastion.

Feb. 12th, 2020



[Filter: Gerri]


I heard you were threatening Ana.

If you bully her again for adhering to the rules, you will have to deal with me.

If you tell anyone else that you know what she is, you will have to deal with me.

If you so much as think to harass her for any reason, you will have to deal with me.

Do you understand?

I was thrown out of Ilvermorny because of people like you. I will not let you do the same to her.

Jan. 21st, 2020




Hello Alex. How are you? Good? Good.

In the wake of our recent truce, I would like to do you a favour.

Do you know what a "wing man" is?

Jan. 6th, 2020



Very funny.

The posters are not real. If you see one, please take it down.

Jan. 3rd, 2020



This should go without saying, but please do not put holes in my walls.

Or use the lobby for personal conflicts.

Or continually put Post-Its under my computer mouse. Sparrow, this last is you. I saw you do it. Stop.

Jan. 2nd, 2020



[Filter to: Ana]

How are you doing, chica? Are your studies going well? Do you need anything?

Dec. 16th, 2019



[Filter to: Gerri, Prim]

Explain yourselves.

[Filter to: Bastion Staff]

At least two students obtained drugs and alcohol and used it in the Bastion this weekend. Keep an eye on them to ensure it does not happen again. The last thing we need is muggle police sniffing around here too.

Dec. 12th, 2019



[Filter to: Sparrow & Ana]

If there is anything you need, tell Marianne. She will help you. In the meantime, rest.

[Filter to: Mari]

This should go without saying, but please do not give Ana weed.

Dec. 2nd, 2019



Yazdani's cat seems to have caught and killed a green mouse. Now she is throwing up bits of paper. I assume one of you will understand this?

[Filter: Bastion Staff]

I have it on good authority that Rhea Dancer may attempt to bring a ghost into the Bastion. If you see her trying to do this, please stop her.

Thank you.

Oct. 26th, 2019




Please do not break anything. And no yelling, yes? There are other guests here.