
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+gilbert'

Aug. 13th, 2020



Proud of all you kids. GREAT job yesterday, especially you Lee. Keep it up!!

Also, sorry about the body. And any bruises you all good. Good job to Mari for taking care of us through that chaos.

Aug. 7th, 2020



bon jeu, my dudes.

Jul. 23rd, 2020



So, there's only so much fun one can have in the med bay and with a lady who turns into a possum.

Hello. I'm Aidan. I'm the cause of such chaos. I deeply apologize. Certain string beans have a tendency to lose it when long lost presumed dead friends arrive on their doorstep. Such a newb.

Well, anyway, since said string bean is off not here to cater to my every whim like a good bro would, I find myself at a loss. So. Please. Keep me focused on things other than the painfully slow healing process. Bodies, am I right, folks?

[ Staff ]

On a serious note, thank you for the safe harbor. I really am sorry for the dramatics. I wasn't expecting to invade your turf like this. I just needed to find a friendly. Once I heal up, I'll get out of your hair if that's what your security team decides. No harm, no foul.



[Eddie and Santi]

I'm glad Aidan's here and safe.

But I don't think I have to spell out what this could mean for us here at Bastion. Three of us was pushing it. But four?

Rhea mentioned she's worried since we now have so many ties to the MACUSA. And with Jack compromised as well, I'm wondering how long it's gonna be until they come busting down the doors.

So, I'm going to ask you guys to make a tough call: We might have to fully break away and do what we can to protect them here. If you can't do that, if you think any part of you is gonna dilly-dally, you gotta leave here. Because you both know I won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to protect this school and I trust both of you, but I also know you're loyal to a fault.

Santi, you got family here. I think you're gonna stay. And if you do, that means it's over back home for a while, if it isn't already.

Eddie, Same with you. I know you now have Jack and your aunt here so I'm gonna guess it's the same deal as Santi.

This will mean we could be labeled as traitors and our ties back home are cut. The only reason I'm even considering this is because I really do think the MACUSA is compromised right now and while I wanna think there are good people over there, seeing what happened to Aidan tells me we could be next.

So...you guys in?

Jul. 10th, 2020



[ GIL ]

Ask him "Um. Mr. Big Man. Can I be asking you a question? But if you real busy is ok."

Jul. 9th, 2020




k, my dudes.

we finally managed to suss out this book sitch here at beauxbatons

there was three names crossed out

evangeline vernier
sacha lyon
mehdi martin

ya'll got people who can track those kids down, right?

mme. maxime's still all shock and awe over the book being cracked in the first place. we think it wasn't just one person. there had to be at LEAST a few dirty little hands running around.

so like, we're still looking at it and all, but can we talk about here??

you know, the place my lil sibs are stuck because they got no place else to go??

can ya'll not be doing weekend spa runs to places far off while your mugs are plastered to wanted posters??? even IF it hasn't landed on one yet, i mean, c'mon. it's only a matter of time. as much as it chaps my ass to say, MACUSA might be compromised. the US was already wacked, but now with more english ministry bullshit.

and if someone follows your dumb butts back here and this place goes under again, there's at least two kids who will be SOL. yoli's already been through hell once and lee doesn't even know what day it is most of the time. those kids deserve some peace. i'm gonna bet most of them do.

so don't compromise us for some cucumbers on your eyeballs, alright???

[Yoli and Lee]
my little dudes. how goes it?

Jun. 30th, 2020




We should talk.

[Natalia and Xander]

I'm gonna ask you a favor. I need you to take it seriously.

Jun. 12th, 2020



Reminder for those interested, I'm going to do an outdoor yoga class tomorrow on the lawn.

Also, I think it's about time we turned that ditch in the dirt into a proper pool

Looking for anyone interested in the first and any volunteers for the latter!

May. 22nd, 2020



Great game!!! Both sides did a pretty good job and I love how close it was mostly. I set up a celebration in the main room for you guys, including a full spread (yes, there's pizza). Go have fun! You've earned it!

May. 8th, 2020



filter: Werewolves

I want to talk with you all this weekend. A long, long, long talk.

This includes Ana.

This is me asking nicely.

May. 7th, 2020



Quick announcement for students: Everyone stay calm and in your rooms! We have the situation under control. There are security measures in place for this.

If anyone sees anything else unusual or requires assistance, please let me know immediately. If it's a real emergency, send up a signal with your wands.

Apr. 26th, 2020



Owl to Zeke )



Owl to Rhea )

Apr. 19th, 2020




I still haven't heard from you. I think it would be a good idea if we had a little talk. Also, you should probably be checking out one of your student's journals. He needs some help and I think it would do him some good to hear from the person in charge.