
May 2021


Posts Tagged: 'character:+leyla'

Sep. 23rd, 2020



Please don't be alarmed, but a kitten I recently adopted got into some potions it shouldn't have. She is quite alright! But also now sporting two additional heads. This does not appear to both her. I have renamed her Cerpurrus.

If you come across her, please know she only needs to be fed once. Three heads but one stomach. I don't need another Marie!

Thank you,
Leyla Y.

Sep. 22nd, 2020



[Xander Lethe]

Hello. How is your progress at the Welsh location? Do you require assistance?

[Rhea Dancer, Gilbert Russo]

When you are able, please conduct a sweep of the Welsh location for any advanced or dangerous cursework. Gilbert, Rhea can navigate you there. Please prioritize anything you think Xander and the Americans Mr. Navarro and Mr. Grimsditch may be unable to handle.

[Santiago Navarro, Aidan Grimsditch]

I would like you to reroute your efforts to securing and readying our tertiary location. Xander Lethe, Rhea Dancer, or Morgan Dancer can direct you to it. Xander has already made progress there and can instruct you further on what needs to be done.

[Morgan Dancer]

Please grant Xander Lethe, Gilbert Russo, Santiago Navarro, and Aidan Grimsditch safe movement through your estate. Xander reports difficulty with [ ... ] an elk.

May. 15th, 2020



[Filter: Zeke]


Since you said you are no longer interested in teaching, I have an alternative for you. Are you familiar with Beauxbatons? We are very near to it.

Recently there has been a security breach. Their Book was tampered with. Madame Maxime fears that Beauxbatons will suffer the same fate as Hogwarts, only her students are in danger as well, as their term is not yet ended.

You are an experienced Auror. You have expressed a wish to be away from the Bastion. Would a position investigating this breach suit you?

Jan. 27th, 2020



[Filter: Bastion Staff]

Hello. It seems some of you have questions about MACUSA’s involvement with us. I’d like to answer as many as I can.

They came to me. They did not reveal how they’d learned of the Bastion, only that they had. They assure me its existence is still highly classified within their organization and that we are in no danger of being discovered by rogue agents. More on that in a moment.

They believe that whatever group or individual is behind Hogwarts’ disappearance is attempting to do the same with Ilvermorny. There have been odd occurrences there, particularly in areas of the school that are off-limits to students. They also believe that those same people will come after us if we are discovered, or that they are seeking us already. To that end, they have sent Agent Whittaker to monitor our situation.

It is their strong belief that our own government is behind Hogwarts’ disappearance. It is a belief that I share.

We have already prepared a secondary site should the Bastion be discovered. Staff, you will each receive a candlestick this afternoon which serves as a portkey. I will inform each of you how to activate it privately. They are linked to that secondary location which, for security purposes, I will not yet disclose. Your priority is to evacuate the students. Do not attempt to salvage materials or personal items. Get everyone out of the building as quickly as you can, as safely as you can.

I don’t intend to alarm you with this news, though I know that may be the outcome. MACUSA’s agents within the Ministry do not yet have any reason to believe they are near to finding us, but as one government agency already has, I believed a contingency plan was in order.

If you have further questions, I will answer them if I can.

For the time being, it would be wise to prioritize teaching defensive spells and potions. In particular, Professor Whittaker and Professor Tiernan, I suggest your lessons focus on the Patronus charm. There are rumours of dementor sightings in the North. They were never accounted for after their dismissal from Azkaban and I fear they may now be utilized by our enemies.

Thank you,
Leyla Yazdani