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Posts Tagged: 'sherrinford+holmes'

Mar. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

Left for Jim

On his bed

Wound around the the door handle

Mar. 16th, 2021



txt: basher

>> The boss didn't happen to drop by to watch you work, has he?

>>Just curious. No real hurry or anything

Mar. 14th, 2021



Text to Sherrinford Holmes from unknown number

>> god save the queen 🤴

Jan. 17th, 2021



Text to Sherrinford Holmes

》I think you forgot to tell me something this morning after service.

Dec. 24th, 2020



delivery: christmas presents to assassins

cut for length )

Nov. 8th, 2020



delivery to the frye twins

soon as we hit the hospital/I know were gonna leave this town )

Nov. 4th, 2020



Sherrinford Holmes

Sherr, I wanted to address a point that you and Ms. Moore brought up ages ago, during the proposed re-structure. No one wanted to lose their apprentices, and others like the pairing up idea, so..

Jacob had a thought to work with the classes idea you and our ally had.

He thought instead of eliminating apprenticeships that along with some training classes, that the apprentices and those of you training them, could be grouped into cohort groups for training purposes. That is, you and Thea might join Ezio and Tulio at least once a week, probably more, for some specialised group training? You could arrange trips, lessons with tests, use the obstacle course, whatever it is you'd like to do with them.

I do have some proposed groupings too, based on collective apprentice experience if you might be interested.

What would you think of that?

Jun. 1st, 2020




>>You, me and your boss

>>saturday lunch?

>>Unless you needed time with your sprogs? Not sure how that works with this lot.

[later text]


[list of names of those interested in his class]

>>for you to edit at your leisure, mate.

May. 19th, 2020



multiple texts



You boys still up for teaching bomb squad and language technical ? I have a schedule for you to look over whenever your free if you are.

BOSS MAN (shaun)
Anything new going on?

Late afternoon;the boys (arno and shay)
Congrats on your sprogs, lads. May they keep you up for many a days!

Apr. 3rd, 2020




>>Whats the rule for having more then one sprog? For training purposes?

>>because i'm sure you know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important



Text: Sherr

>>Hey. I've been thinking about...everything.
Read more... )

Mar. 17th, 2020



Text: Sherr

>>He admitted it.

>>Haytham admitted that all of us are right.

>>It's like a Paddy's Day miracle.

>>I've got to go get punched in the tent behind your pub now, but...we've got his support if not his screaming in the street.

>>He wants a meeting. Both of us and you.

>>Probably someone else on your side. Shaun back from his sanity break yet?

Mar. 3rd, 2020



Tacked on the main entry hall door, both sides

Signs up

Trying something new for a change-Sherr

basic Technology (learning and teaching-anything from computers to whatever you want.)
Guns/machinery (basic sniping)
Martial arts (probably won't stay if I cant find someone for it)
MODERN CULTURE (yes, this is serious)
Lanague (learning it the hard way)

Your name here!The thing you want to do under that!

Yes, everyone is welcome to teach something, even if your an apprentices.

Feb. 26th, 2020



Text: Sherr

>>Hey. I've been thinking.

>>About this whole bloody mess

>>I've...had reason to start thinking about what it was like when I first came to London and the things I wanted most

>>The things my father did and didn't do and I...

>>I'm not saying yes. Don't tell him anything.

>>But if I did change my mind...

>>You'd help? If you saw ANY signs that it was going horribly?

Feb. 2nd, 2020




>>Given I'm trying to clean house, figured I'd clear it with you first

>>Me, being in charge for a bit?

>>Not of everything, mind you. But maybe a bit of retooling internally.

>>You'd still be the big boss man. And I'd clear bigger things with you first, obviously.




>>[List of 6 names]
>>Crash course. You want training? You got it

>I'm allowing you one murder.

>>2 failures. At best.

>>Finer details? Long con. Extortion. Blackmail. Seduction. Hell, maybe even impersonation if you can squeeze it in.

>>Good luck.

Aug. 27th, 2019



Video call to Des/any of the other assassins that want in.

Right so, not sure if this is working for you lot, aye?

[He's just slowly waving his phone around the room. Lingering on walls and the like, before jigging the doorknob. Even twisting it.]

Locked. Like always

[Sarcastic? Him? Never!]

Mar. 23rd, 2019



Assassins and extended

>>A new rule.
>>Because you defer to me despite the fact I am not, in fact your mentore in this time and place.
>>Family dinners. Weekly.
>>Non negotiable.
>>choose a day but it is happening with no excuses.
>>We are BONDING

Dec. 24th, 2018



Call to Sherr

"Hey there. It's Aedan. Ah've...I've somethin' to be askin' yeh..."

Apr. 23rd, 2018



Text: Sherr (Sent this afternoon or so)

>> soooo...

>>a BIt of a long story short em and me are kind of outside

>>youre place I mean. Could we come in and blow off steam? it's been a bit not great at hq since jacob saw me in the fight but didnt notice em.

>>so we're ticked for different reasons but...

>>mates priviledge and all? we need a place to hide out for a while.