Angel Grove Comms

December 2023



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Posts Tagged: 'hanzo+shimada'

Dec. 31st, 2017




>> Brother. I may have a problem.
>> I think I did something very stupid and impulsive.
>> And may have asked someone to drink with me tonight.
>> Who I like.

Oct. 6th, 2017



Hanzo: (later forwards to overwatch in comments)

Read more... )

Jun. 24th, 2017



A Package For Genji

I saw the most ridiculous item in the world while I was out and decided that you need to have it, Otouto. You enjoy this sort of thing, no? Consider it an overture to the fact we have so much time to make up for and I'd like to do that as we can. -Hanzo

[There is a small box, containing this ]

Post Script: How does one ah...boys. Asking them out and such?

Mar. 25th, 2017



Text: Mercy

>>We've come across a bit of a situation that could use some healing in Scotland.

>>For once, it is actually NOT a Vael.

>>two brothers surfaced on their property and could use some help with injuries, some severe.

>>They've been given temporary bandaging and cleaning, but...

>>Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Feb. 13th, 2017




>>What do you think you are DOING?
>>You're not leaving the grounds.

Edit: Sebastian Texts

>>Forwarded Texts

>>I'm on my way. I think it may work better with you there.
>>Whatever is going on in his head seems to have reached the breaking point.
>>I hope for your sake and his that this snaps tonight instead of keeping on.

Feb. 2nd, 2017




Sebastian: (Forwarded to Aedan)

>>(Link to Aedan's comment on Naomi's post)

>>Not the best way for your boy to start out our working relationship.
>>Saying hello is one thing and nice enough, but jokes at a time like this are not acceptable.
>>I will leave it to you to deal with this time because he is ill, but in the future, I won't be so restrained if he's cruel to my daughter.

Sebastian Only:

>>I know you do not control your son and he's been through a lot
>>But get him in line, Bast, or I won't be afraid to do it later


>>I've talked to Aedan's father about his bothering you at a time like this
>>Are you all right?
>>I'll pick up a few tests in the morning, don't want to leave you just now.

Jan. 26th, 2017



Text: Naomi

>>I've been offered work in Scotland.
>>And, if we wanted it, a place to live on the grounds of a castle, or perhaps inside, though I'd rather opt for the privacy if we did this.
>>I wonder if you are missing England enough that living somewhere similar might be nice for you.
>>Would you like to live there, or shall I opt to commute in instead?
>>This is your choice entirely since the technology here makes the choice of accepting it easy enough.

Jun. 29th, 2016



Text: Sakura

>>Would you like to learn more about the clan?

>>And your oji Genji?

>>there is something I would very much like to do, and I thought it would only be right

>>To see if you wanted to come along.

Jun. 22nd, 2016



Message: Overwatch Members

Perhaps the right time has finally come. Would you be willing to consider my application in the absence of my brother?

Jun. 14th, 2016



Message: Overwatch Members

This world has gained another member of your ranks. TLDR )