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Posts Tagged: 'bahorel'

Oct. 20th, 2018



[Text to Amis and Éponine

>>don't blame Courf.
>>I seduced him.
>>I started it
>>I wanted it.
>>I'll... Probably so something stupid if I find out you guys are putting the blame to him.

Oct. 12th, 2018



Text: Balthier

>>So Courfeyrac or your sister may or may not have filled you in on that Sophia, who he SEEMS to be dating at this point had a major freak out when she was over.
>>Trauma due to a lot of stuff in her past that's bad.
>>The kid handled it AMAZINGLY for someone his age.
>>Given what I remember about him as an adult, I wouldn't have expected that.
>>Obviously, you're doing a stellar job over there.
>>It's good to know he's in good hands.

May. 30th, 2018



Emails (Balthier and Co, Thenardier siblings)

Read more... )

Jan. 17th, 2018



Text to Canonmates, especially Thenardiers

>>This story I just read about an Easter Mass.
>>Holy shit.
>> don't read this in places you can't die laughing
>>I think I like this priest.

((Warning: If you're especially Christian (specifically Catholic), this uh, may not be the story for you to read.))

Sep. 6th, 2017



Text: Eponine

>>There's not any time to be lost here.
>>That guy's post brought up some awful things for Sophia.
Trigger Warning: Attempted Suicide )

Dec. 18th, 2015



Text: Azelma

>>Hey. Far be it from me to even really ask
>>Because I know the answer, I'm pretty sure, and it's not great
>>Because over here it's been sucking a lot for a lot of people
>>But how are things going for you anyway?

Nov. 27th, 2015



Text: Azelma

>>So out of the loop. It feels like forever since I've talked to like, an actual human being and not a walking stack of books and desperately clutched macs and coffee.

>>Or seen anything sentient with eyes that are not permanently bloodshot.

>>Law Students, I swear. The Law Review, I actively despair.

>>And somehow it's become November when I didn't even realize we'd had Halloween. So...I am so part of the problem.

>>In the effort of NOT completely losing touch with everything, how are things? How is LIFE, you who actually HAVE one?

May. 6th, 2015



Text to Bahorel

I am so stressed out.
You want to grab a bite?
Some coffee?

Apr. 12th, 2015



PM: Les Amis + Marius, etc

Hail Phoebus Apollo And The Corinthians,

Other Mis Cast can get this too, but it's possibly triggering for them. Uh if the dismissal of immortality bothers you, you probably don't want to read this either )

Oct. 25th, 2014



Text to Bahorel

Hey, man.
It's Jeff.
You want to grab a beer?

Sep. 13th, 2014



[Text to her entire contact list]

>>Meet Étienne Danton Thénardier de Chagny
>>7lbs 9oz, 19inches long. Born at 4:28am Sept. 13th.
>>Isn't he beautiful?
Cut for picture )

Aug. 24th, 2014



Text: Gavroche

>>So, it's been a while
>>But how are things?

Aug. 14th, 2014



Text: Azelma

>>You know, "fun" as the last couple of days have been
>>I kind of want to just punch normal assholes at the club again.
>>Are you okay in all of this?
>>Meant to ask you like, at least a few weeks ago but I've been
>>Well, I got a second job and I'm starting the whole law thing again this semester.
>>So. Yeah.
>>Canadian,like before, so I don't have to start from scratch.
>>Which means that at the end of this I get a dress.
>>And someday, when I'm old and voted to the supreme court....
image non graphic )

Jun. 8th, 2014



Text: Azelma (sent at an actual reasonable hour)

>>The hospital's already called to tell us he's worked himself into a sulk
>>And is refusing pain control until they let Combeferre stay with him.
>>It's really a relief to have him back like this.
>>Thank you.

Jun. 7th, 2014



[Text to the whole amis]

>>Enjolras is here.
>>From my time, well our time.
>>He's in the hospital and stable.
>>We're in the main hospital in Paris.
>>Val keeps trying to rip his hair out.

Jun. 6th, 2014



Text: Gavroche:

>>How are you doing, kid?
>>I'm glad you're here but I also know how much the first couple years after suck.
>>First time I actually got a memory of all of this wasn't great.
>>You wanna talk or anything?

May. 11th, 2014



A note for the mothers:

Read more... )

Apr. 18th, 2014



Text: Gavroche

>>What would you get if you crossed the Easter Bunny with a famous French general?





>>Hey. We haven't heard very much from you at all lately.
>>I know that things have been busy for all of you guys
>>But is everything all right or...if not, would you like to talk?

After talking to Gavroche,to Bahorel, Enj and Ferre:

>>I get that 'Ferre isn't speaking to Enj and I
>>But this is important so we all need to figure something out.
>>Can we find something useful and awesome for us to do with Gavroche?
>>I'm sure there has to be SOME kind of project we can get in on.

Mar. 30th, 2014



Text: Azelma

>>Hey. Just got of work a little early and I realized I hadn't heard from you lately.
>>How's stuff been?