Angel Grove Comms

December 2023



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Posts Tagged: 'antoine+combeferre'

Dec. 21st, 2015



Text: Azelma

>>I have only the vaguest idea from Uncle B that something went down
>>And I might have had to borrow your number from my dad's phone
>>But I just kind of wanted to issue a personal thank you.
>>There's a thing with the Marius deal that hits home kind of a lot.
>>I'm uh. I didn't DARE tell my parents about any of this, it was the least of anyone's problems at the time more than being worried they'd freak out but he has this way of getting under your skin with stuff that had me holding back from saying things to people. And it's kind of...
>>Knowing I don't have to hide things anymore helps? I've kind of got a thing to confess.

May. 10th, 2015



For Cosette. (Pretend my internet let me upload pictures before midnight)

Gifts From Everyone )

Dec. 10th, 2014



Text to Antione

Thanks for the gift, they're beautiful.
We must go out and celebrate.

Dec. 9th, 2014



A gift for Nancy

the gold version of these )

Oct. 3rd, 2014



Text: Cosette

>Dad talked to Uncle Marius who said you have a lot of stressful things going on right now

>None of us know more than that, so he didn't, I don't know, tell us any secrets or anything else.

>But, if you need help right now , probably not with the twins, I'm not very good with babies, and I don't think 'Rine's really been around any, help, especially the cleaning or laundry or throwing together casseroles,

>or need some lullaby playlists to help them sleep, or tranquil ones if you're having a hard time

>because, let's face it, being a parent is pretty awesome, but it looks like a LOT of hard work and forgetting to take care of yourself, or relax which isn't so great

>Well, we're around if you need a break from any of the chore type things or making you some music or, really anything else, We just sort of want you to know we're here if you need a break.

Mar. 10th, 2014



Text: Cosette

>>I would like to apologize for what happened last week
>>I do not know what I was thinking and I AM sorry that I disturbed you.
>>Now that I am not...that I have some time again
>>I was hoping I might do something in the way of errands or cleaning or chores to help you right now.

Mar. 3rd, 2014



Text: Courfeyrac

>>It is quarter to five in the morning
>>do you know where your son is?
blown up texts )



Text: Marius

>>So this is like super majorly important Umcle Marius.

>> How many Frosties does it take to fill a bathtub?

>>I really need to to know for when I get hom.

>>where am I?