Angel Grove Comms

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Posts Tagged: 'cathal+dorchaidhe'

Jun. 6th, 2022



Txt: Marc

1: No looking at others. No t'inking about other people either. 'll know. I don' care if their your mates, be nice ta know who your mates are at leas', I think. Not even sneaking out to 'ave a party or whatever the shite with em, least without tellin' me firs'. s'the biggest one, and mos' 'portant.

2)If yer serious 'bout wantin' me then I wan' serious date shite. Otherwise sod off now because 'm not 'aving it ye understand?

3) 'm not shagging ye. Not til 'm readyNot til ye prove yer serious. And don' say ye weren't gonna try, I remember wha' yer like the first go round.

4) ...I didn' t'ink o'this much stuff but if tha' changes 'll be sure to tell ye.

If ye break any of these, if ye even think about breaking these rules 'll leave so fas' ye'l never find me again. Ye understand?

Apr. 5th, 2021



text message to Cathal;

>> So... I think your birthday went really well so hopefully this isn't me pushing my luck
>> Can I take you out again?
>> Yes, I'm referring to a date.

Mar. 13th, 2021



text to Cathal

>> hi.
>> can I take you out for dinner on your birthday?
>> please?

Nov. 30th, 2020



Left in Cathal's mailbox

A ring with a handwritten note that reads:

since you likely don't have yours
please dont do anything crazy with it
And I won't be in a tent anymore. Makes work hard.
I'm just a block down

Apr. 30th, 2020



Text: Aedan, Uma, Cathal, Jacob

>>This is a group text for some very important people.

>>If you are reading this, you are invited to have lunch with us this Saturday afternoon.

>>Shay and I have something very important to ask all of you.

>>And want to celebrate you in the process.

>>Is this Saturday okay for it?

Mar. 15th, 2020



Text: Cath


>>I don't know why I felt the need to summon you like that, but I have got a question. Or a demand.

>>Tuesday. It's Saint Paddy's.

>>You're coming out with us.

>>We've GOT to get you out more.

Feb. 13th, 2019



Text: Cath

>>You were born as a wolf, right?

>>I've got some questions about that.

Aug. 25th, 2018



backdated probably

[texts to marc,all unsent]

How could ye

If ye jus' 'ave col' feet we can figure-

Was it the bleeding invitations?

I don' understan, ye were 'cited as me!

Wasn' tryin' ta snoop

Ye left yer mobile out

it kept goin' off jus' thought 'd-

-'es younger then me

is this what-

[Sent but he probably won't answer if he gets a response]
>>do ye not love me anymore?

Jan. 16th, 2018



text to nora & cathal

> I'm bad at this wolf stuff already

Dec. 9th, 2017



text to Cath

There's a surprise for you when you get home.
Sort of.

Jul. 30th, 2017



text to cathal

>scale of 1 to 10
>how messed up if I spike some alcohol for a party
>mostly for our own but
>a bit for humans?
>also does it make me a terrible person

Apr. 15th, 2017



text to cathal

2 text messages and 1 media message. )

Mar. 18th, 2017





Yer missin all the fun o'it.

S'ok tho',yer 'ute 'nough ta get 'way wit' it an yer mine s'the best

Mar. 10th, 2017



Text to Cas

>>Ye seem fairly quiet lately, mate.

>>Did ye wan' ta 'ave lunch and window shop 'round with me?