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Posts Tagged: 'sebastian+vael'

Oct. 10th, 2020



[Message to Sebastian on the message board at Craigcrook]

The year's turning, love. Perhaps you'd like to take some time for prayer and calm, and I could stop in if I have time?

There's a charity thing making pickles and jam, so I'd be gone a while, and likely come back smelling of apples and vinegar. I helped out a little last year with apple washing, and was promised some apple brandy for my trouble.

Maybe Meghan and Alec might be interested to join you?

- Noah

Jul. 8th, 2020



Text: Family

>>So...that trip I've been attempting to make happen for a few years now...

>>Would now be a decent time to take a week-end or so? Aed's less than ten miles from Loch Ness at the moment and, once he's got settled, we're likely going to be asked to come around anyway, and he'll be able to have day trips out.

>>Might not be a bad idea to bring him out there for a while, when he's got permission and feels ready?

May. 13th, 2020



Text: Sebastian (sent at around three am or so)

>> im no home

Apr. 13th, 2020



Message: Craigcrook Residents, visitors, employees, etc

>>This Aedan break up breakdown thing's gone completely out of hand.

>>It's time to take some drastic action.

>>Pub time. NOT the obvious one.

>>MOST of you lot are invited if you want to come/have the time/ability to do so.

>>Those of you he's courting, I would suggest you stay clear.

>>But honestly it's gone too far to let it go much further.

Mar. 14th, 2020



Text: Aedan's friends

((OOC: if certain exes want to see this, it's possible Sebastian didn't update his group text for Aedan's friends))

>> So Hans just phoned from Aedan's show.

>> He's got a 75 from the class today, and an 80 from last night.

>>For those of us who need clarification, as I did, that's actually fantastic. The eighty at this level is particularly unheard of, and the 75's amazing, but it's not in the clear YET.

>>It's between him and his friend, Marsali, and some other lass from a different pony club as to who'll take it all after the freestyle tomorrow, but

>>He's definitely heading home with SOMETHING.

>>Hans says he ought to think of going up from Intermediate 2 into the Grand Prix levels, which, again, after some clarification, is actually the highest level that they offer.

>>That's a bloody Olympic level. Cadre Noir level, even.

>>Hans swears that our lad even smiled for a moment when they handed him his scoresheet and that he looks slightly less like hell than usual.

>>He said he's going to try to get him to eat something solid too.

>>Every little bit helps, hmm?

Sep. 10th, 2019



Message To Craigcrook Residents

I would have SWORN we'd had half the package of salmon still left in the fridge. It's not a problem if you've used it, but the next time, can somebody leave a note, please?

It would be appreciated.


Jul. 19th, 2019



Posted on the Vael Family Bulletin Board:

I have been doing some thinking lately. We're doing some promotion for a local fostering awareness event that's coming up next week, geared for helping kids who've been brought here from other worlds, much like the way we talked about building more support for people coming here, and...

Does it seem possible that fostering, or perhaps, in the future, adopting someone who needs a family to love them could be a good option for this family? I don't propose anything specific right now, obviously, but...would it be all right to request information and perhaps attend the information seminar to see if it might be right for the lot of us?

How would all of you, in theory, feel about doing something like this? I feel that we could do someone a LOT of good if it was possible to make it happen, but it would depend upon all the rest of you, of course.

Apr. 5th, 2019



Text: Aed's friends, family, etc

>>I have no idea what all this means
>>But Aedan's dressage score is 86.5 correct...which I THINK puts his actual score around 13 if the rules I found online are least so far as eventing goes. If it were JUST dressage he'd keep the first. I THINK.
>>And he's quite thrilled and in first.
>>He says it means he's likely to place if he manages to do all right in the jumping.
>>Not bad for Cas's first proper showing.
>>He's not too optimistic about the jumping looking decent but says he wouldn't mind focusing mostly on the dressage in the future if this doesn't play out to be a thing this season...

Oct. 25th, 2017



Text: Noah

>>Noah a gradh, have you happened to glance at the news lately?
>>there's may need to see it for yourself.
>>if you've not already.
>>are you somewhere safe and secure??

Jul. 22nd, 2017



Text: Noah

>>Uh, Love
>>You have a note here, handwritten, and dropped off by Officer O'Clery from the local.
>>Something about an apology, but he really couldn't stay?
>>I assume you have a reference point?

Mar. 16th, 2017



Text to Sebastian Vael

Okay, so, I think Aedan's drunk.
You might want to check on him.

Feb. 26th, 2017



[Sent from both his phone and Aedan's, to all contacts]

>>So this is regarding our lad and some of you'll see this twice
Trigger Warning: Health Emergency )

Feb. 19th, 2017




Aedan's Security:

>>Well he's made his presence known online.
>>I hardly know what to do with him
>>But I'd like him home to help celebrate that there are people come to stay with us.
>>You're getting apologies from him of course, formal ones, but that's a bit down the line just now.
>>Once the family bits are covered, anyway.
>>April, I am sorry you got dragged into this, and I know it wasn't on your shift, so please don't worry about that.
>> try.

Hawke and Squad:

>>My brothers and my niece and best of all, grandfather are here!
>>I've apologized to all of them for my behavior while they were alive, and
>>My brothers accepted and Grandda's just himself, as always.
>>I thought you'd like to know about it anyway.

General Friends and Templars (including Damien):

>>My family are here, the ones I wanted to see the most.
>>I had to pass along my joy.
>>PS, if Aedan talks to you, please encourage him to come home.
>>I am FURIOUS with the boy but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be home and safe

Feb. 2nd, 2017




Sebastian: (Forwarded to Aedan)

>>(Link to Aedan's comment on Naomi's post)

>>Not the best way for your boy to start out our working relationship.
>>Saying hello is one thing and nice enough, but jokes at a time like this are not acceptable.
>>I will leave it to you to deal with this time because he is ill, but in the future, I won't be so restrained if he's cruel to my daughter.

Sebastian Only:

>>I know you do not control your son and he's been through a lot
>>But get him in line, Bast, or I won't be afraid to do it later


>>I've talked to Aedan's father about his bothering you at a time like this
>>Are you all right?
>>I'll pick up a few tests in the morning, don't want to leave you just now.

Jan. 1st, 2017



Text: Damien (Aedan Plot Relevant. OH HO!)

>>I shudder to ask, knowing I'll get too many details
>>But as I haven't seen him yet today, and the house and gatehouse are empty...
>>And it's far too cold to have spent the night in the stables.
>>Do you know where Aed's got off to?

Dec. 19th, 2016



Seen Around Edinburgh AND sent to every member of this community

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Aug. 28th, 2016



Message: Sherr

>>I've not forgotten what I said to you last night.

>>We're due a long conversation, Sherr. I've held myself back before because I know that you care for our Aedan too, that you'd never harm him...And you're my friend too.

>>But. There's a great need for change as well.

>>There're boundaries you've long since crossed with the lad that I'm not so sure haven't contributed to some of the more harmful things he's pulled or found himself a part of and it's NOT something I'll accept.

>>I know you've his best interests at heart, and I trust you with him more than anyone else here, which is why I'm asking you to talk this out.

>>Sure between us we can find ourselves on even ground again, aye?

Jul. 23rd, 2016



Text: Damien Thorn

>> Our lad's still with you, is he?

>>You keep a good eye on him, aye?

>>I'm getting the idea you're more of what he needs right now and trust you.

>>You'll not go fucking that up, will you now?

Jul. 19th, 2016





>> We need a few more joint sessions this week, iron out a couple issues that have come up, one with Aed, and one with Elle.

>>Is there a chance that we can make it happen when you're free?


>>I've been meaning to ask because it's come up here

>>What ARE you and your girl doing in terms of her going to school?

>>Mine really wants to do it, but...


>>You'd know better than I because I know you've taught her quite a lot

>>Is Elle controlled enough to attend school without random fires spouting up?

>>I refuse to have her getting hurt because someone who doesn't understand finds out what she is

>>or to put anyone else's children in danger because of her


>>I've got a spiritual matter I'd like to discuss with another of the faithful if you don't mind consulting on it?

Jul. 2nd, 2016



From Aedan's network profile to everyone in the community

image )