Angel Grove Comms

December 2023



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October 20th, 2018



Text: Balthier and Eponine

>>Sooo Uh. This is awkward kind of.

>>The ER's been so nuts and understaffed that I was "sleeping" at work this week and uh

>>There were a couple feathers in my place and they're definitely not mattress ones

>>And too big to be the bird I don't happen to own.

>>We might want to talk to our respective young family members about this.

>>I'm pretty sure they're being trustworthy, But it's...this is a big thing.
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Text: Balthier

>>If I confess to something stupid, early, does it get me out of trouble?

>>Because I may or may not have done something stupid and dangerous earlier this week.

>>Aedan said Sebastian was upset when HE snuck out of the house to do crazy things and didn't tell anyone when HE was my age, so...

>>That happened. And I feel guilty?

>>Well, Aedan said it more like Sebastian "chucked a fit when I put the saddle on the wrong horse by running around like butter would nay melt in my mouth and giving everyone the slip", but I'm PRETTY sure that's what he MEANT, so...

>>I thought I should confess. It was stupid and wrong and I won't do it again.

>>Also, do you know what language they speak in Glasgow? We've got this old Glaswegian guy doing the dance rehearsals and I can't make much sense of more than about two words.



[Text to Amis and Éponine

>>don't blame Courf.
>>I seduced him.
>>I started it
>>I wanted it.
>>I'll... Probably so something stupid if I find out you guys are putting the blame to him.