Angel Grove Comms

December 2023



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May 25th, 2017



[Text to Alleria]

>> How went your hunts?
>> I would ask you in person, but we seem to be so rarely in our abode at the same time.



[Batman (forwardable to other supers but Clint's just starting with him]

Clint Barton here, Hawkeye.

i've got a potential situation that I'm watching, but its lible to get worse and you (some worlds version of you) well it's suggested that you need to know.

My friend's got some messed up preconditioned programing, brain wiring that started in the lab where he was created...cloned and programed to infiltrate what's known as the justice league where he's from. If he tries to join or help you right now...

you might wanna employ some checks to make sure it's legit, and you might want to be a little wary of him finding a path in. Roy's young, but's GOOD, it might be something YOU could stop in its tracks should this whole thing explode.

uh message for more details? I don't like being his handler, so to speak.



Text to Gabriel

Um, Gabriel.... I have a favor to ask.
Claire's been in some trouble recently....
And she's in need of some guidance.
We've all tried to talk to her...

She likes you. You have a rapport with her.
Would you try and find out what's going on with her?
She's mad at Dean and I right now.



Texts Steve/Tony

Um, can we talk?
I know you've got a lot going on but something happened.
I really need to get it off my chest, okay?