Angel Grove Comms

December 2023



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October 8th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>Tell your boyfriend to stop saying it's my fault.
>>He didn't have to listen to me.
>>Not my fault he's a childish naive boy who can't handle liqueur.
>>Should have seen him.
>>Girls flirting and he looks like a chicken with his head cut off trying to drunk stammer and tell them off.
>>Points to you i guess that he's loyal.



Texts From Jehan (Who still texts in paragraph)

Les Amis, mass text:

>>Those of us in the other apartment where the most dramatic thing that happened yesterday was Feuilly muttering that I should get a job (I truly, truly ought, and I know this), have been discussing the problems involved with Bahorel and our trio, and have come to a conclusion that seems, for the moment, to be the best possible thing that we can do, and no matter how much the four of you protest it, it is happening and you have until around fifteen minutes ago to protest it.
Read more... )


>>Keats once said that love was his religion and that he could die for it, and for his lover, specifically. I think that I could die for you if you permit it.



[Text to Trini]

>>You up for some paintball?
>>I won two all access tickets from a radio station.
>>Thought you'd be interested.
>>It comes with free 5000count of paintballs and suit rental.



Text: Azelma

>>I realize that this is a bad time, but I am having some trouble convincing certain members of our society that we need to sort our problems with someone who is trained in doing so. Might you be willing to help with this?



[Text to Phantom]

>>Seems your angel has already started an uproar.
>>We have settled a Europe tour if you believe she is physically able for it.
>>First at the Konzerthaus Berlin.
>>Then the Mariinsky Theatre.
>>La Cigale would be next, in Paris.
>>Ending with a performance for three large possible sponsorship companies at Auditorium Parco della Musica.
>>My partner and I could fund her ourselves.
>>But I would prefer there be plenty coming in.
>>On the off chance something were to happen to us.
>>If things go as planned we can get her to being able to record.
>>And have her voice played in every country in the modern world, and even further as her voice deserves all the recognition it can get.