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Sep. 23rd, 2011


The rescue

Who: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter (NPC), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan
What: Rescuing McGonagall
Where: The lovely town of Chipping Clodbury
When: Friday September 23rd, 2005
Rating: Low-ish
Status: Placeholder

It was finally time. )

Sep. 19th, 2011


Smiling, nodding and pretending to care about light fixtures

Who: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter (NPC), Nancy Plink (also NPC)
What: Ginny and Harry stake out the safehouse where McGonagall is held
Where: The lovely town of Chipping Clodbury
When: Backdated to Thursday the 15th of September 2005
Rating: Low
Status: More or less complete

The idea of staking out the safehouse Ron had found the address for at work had seemed like a good thing at first. Until Ron got called into work and she’d been left with Harry. )

Sep. 15th, 2011


WHO: Romilda Vane, Robbie Stebbins, Leak of doom.
WHEN: Wednesday, 14th September, evening.
WHERE: Romilda's flat, Diagon Alley.
WHAT: Robbie and Romilda team up to battle the leaking ceiling.

It wasn't until there was a leak that a girl realised just how many water receptacles she had )

Sep. 12th, 2011


WHO: Ron Weasley and Seamus Finnigan
WHEN: Monday, 12th September, morning
WHERE: Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Ministry of Magic
WHAT: Ron and Seamus pull a distract-and-sneak mission to find the file on McGonagall

The men's bathroom on Level 2 was pretty swanky considering most of the wizards that worked for the DMLE were rough-and-ready blokes who'd have been fine with a tree or bush or something. )

Sep. 10th, 2011


WHO: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
WHEN: Thursday, 8 September, evening (backdated!)
WHERE: Hermione’s flat
WHAT: Curry, talk, affectionate bickering
RATING: Low (maybe some swearing, Ronald)

As Thursdays went, this had not been a showcase day. )

Sep. 9th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Alicia Spinnet
WHEN: BACKDATED to Friday, 2nd September, early evening
WHERE: Park in Muggle London
WHAT: Running to work off chocolate, stretch legs, to catch up

Summer was definitely on it's way out, the sun setting much sooner in the day, moths and midges emerging to flutter around the street lamps that lit up as the sky darkened. )

Aug. 30th, 2011


Owl to Justin Finch-Fletchley )

Packages are for Robert Stebbins, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Zacharias Smith )

Aug. 27th, 2011


WHO: Amos Diggory, Zacharias Smith, and a number of DMLE and MAB officials, as well as the crowd
WHEN: Saturday, 27th August, early afternoon
WHERE: Hogsmeade village
WHAT: Amos Diggory is assassinated

Surrounded by numerous Magical Law Enforcement members and MAB soldiers lining the street before him, Amos Diggory had never felt more secure in his life. )

Aug. 21st, 2011


Owl to Alicia Spinnet )


WHO: Tracey Davis and Harold Dingle
WHEN: Sunday 21 August, 2005 very early morning
WHERE: Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley
WHAT: Harold drops by for a visit
RATING: pg 13 language her power to keep the memories of the day's events from invading her mind again )

Aug. 20th, 2011


it's ready now

WHO Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Melinda Bobbin, and EVERYONE else
WHAT A trial, or, at least, a mockery of one
WHERE Ministry of Magic courtroom
WHEN Afternoon 20 August 2005

RATING That all depends on you, Millicent
STATUS OTA: Threaded



WHO: Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley
WHEN: Saturday, 20th August, afternoon
WHERE: Beginning in Hogsmeade, later Hogwarts
WHAT: It seems that Minerva McGonagall has disappeared

Her short red hair swished against her chin as Luna apparated into the alley behind the Hog’s Head pub, her partial disguise hopefully enough to not alert her appearance to any passers-by. )

Aug. 14th, 2011


Who: Amos Diggory, Robert Stebbins, Zacharias Smith
When: Sunday, 14 August
Where: Amos' House, Ottery St. Catchpole
What: Diggory Dinner Date
Status: In-Progress

Another dinner with Diggory had rolled around again, though this time it was more surreal to be sat around a sophisticated dining table, drinking fine wine with the Minister when Azkaban escapees roamed the country and homes were searched in attempt to find the dangerous criminals. )

Aug. 12th, 2011


WHO: Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger
WHEN: Friday, 12th August, noon
WHERE: Hermione's flat, London
WHAT: Meeting up to work on the tracking charms, but mostly friends staying safe

Luna was grateful that there was an alley near to Hermione's flat that she could quietly Apparate to, close enough that she wouldn't have to use up any Polyjuice potion for the short walk; a simple glamour changed her appearance enough. )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Who: Romilda and Robbie
What: Romilda finds out about the escapees.
Where: Romilda's flat, Diagon Alley.
When: Thursday evening.
Rating: TBD

Nothing could touch her through the haze that had settled over her at the first reading of those names.  )


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Roger Davies
WHEN: BACKDATED to Monday, 25th July, morning
WHERE: Level 2, Ministry of Magic
WHAT: Robbie and Roger have things to discuss

Usually one for patience, Robbie had found it incredibly difficult to wait the weekend for Roger to finally be free from his duties. )

Jul. 27th, 2011


from George Weasley and Natalie Grant )

Jul. 22nd, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Romilda Vane
WHEN: Friday, 22nd July, lunchtime
WHERE: Cafe in Diagon Alley
WHAT: Sharing a cream cake and perhaps Romilda has some information that'll panic Robbie

The cafe overlooked Madam Malkin's, and while he waited for Romilda to arrive, Robbie gazed thoughtfully from his window seat at one of the menswear robes in the window. Wizarding fashion had been taking a distinct shift of late, sporting a more Muggle style, so this set of robes seemed somewhat old-fashioned to his eyes. But he supposed it still suited some. )

Jul. 21st, 2011


WHO: Harold Dingle and OPEN TO ALL
WHEN: Thursday, 21st July, evening
WHERE: The Hog's Head, Hogsmeade
WHAT: Thursday night cards with the wonderful Dingle
RATING: High enough for language

With the curfew, Dingle's Card Night wasn't actually at night anymore, moved up to start at seven. It was somewhat annoying, to have the sunlight stream inside the pub every time the door opened, but Dingle could get over it so long as people still turned up. )

[OPEN to anyone who'd like to tag in. Even if they're not involved in the cards, they could be drinking at the bar or just dropping in!]

Jul. 20th, 2011


WHO: Tracey Davis and Harold Dingle
WHEN: BACKDATED to Monday, 18th July, afternoon
WHERE: Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley
WHAT: Dingle's going to try and convince Tracey to let him store some 'stock' in the cellar of her shop
RATING: At least PG-13 for his language >.<

Before he pushed the door open to Tracey's shop, he leant against the wall of the shop opposite across the Alley, finishing off his cigarette but really assessing the area, doing a little reconnaissance of the surrounding shops and the number of overlooking windows, the amount of foot traffic there was at this time of day. )

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