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Sep. 6th, 2011


Who: Dennis, Morag, Michael, NPC!Thorfine Rowle, Aurors, DMLE, Hitwizardy types, probably bystanders (Open to in-game DMLE players I think?)
What: Capturing a Death Eater!
When: September 6th, evening
Where: Starts at the MoM, ends in a Muggle town
Rating: Probably high!

Tonight was the night )

Aug. 22nd, 2011


WHO: Theodore
WHAT: So this is Azkaban
WHERE: lol
WHEN: 22 August 2005

STATUS: solo thread, which isn't as dirty as it sounds
RATING: G, i think

how can you know me and I know you if nothing is true? )

Aug. 21st, 2011


WHO Morag MacDougal & Michael Corner
WHAT Catching up, or something
WHEN Sunday morning or thereabouts

RATING medium?
STATUS in progress, threaded

don't give us none of your aggravation, we've had it with your discipline )

Aug. 20th, 2011


it's ready now

WHO Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Melinda Bobbin, and EVERYONE else
WHAT A trial, or, at least, a mockery of one
WHERE Ministry of Magic courtroom
WHEN Afternoon 20 August 2005

RATING That all depends on you, Millicent
STATUS OTA: Threaded


Aug. 19th, 2011


WHO: Theodore & Melinda
WHEN: Very late night, 19 August 2005
WHERE: Interrogation room, Ministry of Magic
WHAT: Innocence and decisions

STATUS: Complete

grace - you're getting away with it
words and nothing to say with it
hurt - you don't feel the pain of it
lie - straight in the face of it

Read more... )

Aug. 18th, 2011


WHO: Melinda & Theodore.
WHEN: 18 August, early evning.
WHERE: DMLE interrogation room.
WHAT: Discussing interrogations and deals.

One of these days letters are gonna fall from the sky telling us all to go free

Aug. 17th, 2011


WHO: Melinda & Theodore.
WHEN: Shortly after the evening edition of the prophet.
WHERE: DMLE offices.
WHAT: Melinda has plans to get Theo released.

When we take revenge against another,
we lose some of our innocence.


Who: Astoria Greengrass and Theodore Nott
What: Their usual lunch takes an unexpected turn.
Where: London
When: August 17th

Astoria was learning not to trust simple days... )

Jul. 28th, 2011


Who: Literally everyone is welcome! Known: Lavender, Isaac, Hestia, Morag
When: Starting at 8 pm Thursday to early Friday
Where: Lavender's Flat
What: Gender Mixer Party.
Note: Just tag in and get to threading! (No OOC summaries please!)

Mixing it up )


WHO Theodore & Tracey
WHERE Theo's flat
WHEN Very early morning, 28 July 2005
WHY Theo's a girl D:

RATING PG-13 max
STATUS Threaded

in a girl panic; a crush panic; she's a hypnotic )

Jul. 23rd, 2011


Owl to Josephine

Jul. 19th, 2011



WHO: Theodore & Astoria
WHAT: Nott Sr's funeral
WHEN: 20 July, 1998
WHERE: The Old Rectory, Suffolk (Theodore's childhood home)


no time, no long goodbyes. no time, no answer for the reason why. no guarantees in life, save for the end -- which is no big surprise. )


Who: Morag MacDougal and Susan Bones
Where: The Ministry of Magic
What: Susan reporting what happened at the protest
When: Tuesday morning
Rating: Low?

Though she had done nothing wrong, chills still swept through her when she entered the Ministry )

Jul. 16th, 2011


Who: Gabrielle Delacour & Theodore Nott
What: Random run-in
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The flower shop Gabrielle works at.
Rating: G

May I help you? )



WHO: Sofiya & Theodore
WHEN: 20 March 2005, night
WHAT: The Book Burning & aftermath

RATING: PG-13 for eventual violence

you're living on a paper sun, blind to all the damage done, waiting for the tide to turn )

Jul. 13th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Josephine Dorny
WHEN: BACKDATED to Tuesday, 12th July, afternoon
WHERE: Josephine's cottage, Hogsmeade, Scotland
WHAT: Solemn discussion of politics amongst the pretty flowers in Dorny's cottage garden
RATING: most likely low, they're very proper

There was something refreshingly normal and comforting about Josephine's bungalow, set just outside the village of Hogsmeade, surrounded by the picturesque Scottish Highlands. )

Jul. 12th, 2011


Who Morag and Miles
What Miles is finally admitting to England that he's landed
When July 12th
Where The Ministry
Rating/Status Moderate (for Language)/Incomplete

There was something reassuring about the fact she wasn't wearing shoes )

Jul. 7th, 2011


Owl to Daphne. )


WHO: Lavender & Morag
WHEN: 6 July 2005, 8.30pm
WHERE: Lavender's flat --> The Red Lion, Glasgow
WHAT: A drink. Or three.
RATING: PG-13 for swearing maybe

I'm staring at the same old crack in the same old wall. I want my life back )

Jul. 3rd, 2011


WHO:Theodore Nott and Padma Patil
WHEN: Saturday, July 2, 2005, 6 p.m.
WHERE: The Cheery Teapot, Exeter
WHAT: Old friends, very reservedly, talk about Padma's problem

She entered, eyes immediately looking for Theodore, who was, if anything, always punctual. )

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