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Sep. 11th, 2011


Happy birthday!

Who: Cho Chang, friends, kids, cake, toys, the kitchen sink. Anyone and everyone.
When: Sunday September 11th, 2005.
Where: Nautica's cottage in Dover.
What: Jian turns three!
Rating: Low.

Birthday fun )

Aug. 27th, 2011


Two redheads walk into a bar...

Who: Ginny Weasley, possibly Emma Dobbs and whoever happens to wander by.
What: Celebrating a win.
When: Friday 26th of August, 2005. Late-ish.
Where: Random sort of pub somewhere in London. Probably.
Rating: Eh. Low-ish?

Shenanigans? )

Aug. 20th, 2011


it's ready now

WHO Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Melinda Bobbin, and EVERYONE else
WHAT A trial, or, at least, a mockery of one
WHERE Ministry of Magic courtroom
WHEN Afternoon 20 August 2005

RATING That all depends on you, Millicent
STATUS OTA: Threaded


Jul. 28th, 2011


Who: Literally everyone is welcome! Known: Lavender, Isaac, Hestia, Morag
When: Starting at 8 pm Thursday to early Friday
Where: Lavender's Flat
What: Gender Mixer Party.
Note: Just tag in and get to threading! (No OOC summaries please!)

Mixing it up )

Jul. 21st, 2011


WHO: Harold Dingle and OPEN TO ALL
WHEN: Thursday, 21st July, evening
WHERE: The Hog's Head, Hogsmeade
WHAT: Thursday night cards with the wonderful Dingle
RATING: High enough for language

With the curfew, Dingle's Card Night wasn't actually at night anymore, moved up to start at seven. It was somewhat annoying, to have the sunlight stream inside the pub every time the door opened, but Dingle could get over it so long as people still turned up. )

[OPEN to anyone who'd like to tag in. Even if they're not involved in the cards, they could be drinking at the bar or just dropping in!]


WHO: Tracey Davis-Montague, Terence Higgs, Astoria Greengrass and OPEN TO ANYONE
WHEN: Thursday, July 21, 2005, late afternoon
WHERE: Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley
WHAT: Terence's PR glory

if some imbecile came in and wanted a Bats pennant, she'd accio one )

OOC: This thread is open to anyone. Bring your character by to have a photo, get an autograph, give their opinion... Falcons team members and other players from the league are also encouraged!

May. 25th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and [OPEN to any and all who are attending the speech]
WHEN: Wednesday, 25th May
WHERE: London, (Diagon Alley?)
WHAT: Minister Diggory makes a speech, but there is an attempt on his life

[OOC: I just thought I'd throw this up to catch the date, I can always delete it if necessary. I was thinking perhaps there could be some interactions before the assassination attempt, amongst whoever might attend, and then another set of interactions during the inevitable chaos - Gail, tag in whenever you can :)]

May. 19th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and [OPEN to anybody outside the holding pen]
WHEN: BACKDATED to Wednesday, 18th May, just after the suspects are being brought in
WHERE: Ministry, outside the holding pen
WHAT: Robbie's observing the suspects, mostly for the Minister but partly for himself [I'm totally up for whoever decides to stop by - maybe some DMLE workers, Ministry people?]

Diggory had asked him to work late tonight )

Apr. 10th, 2011


WHO Hestia Jones, open
WHEN 10 April 2005 | Falcon/Cannons game
WHERE Cannons' pitch
RATING med for language

Do the Hospital Bed Crawl/And the termite on you,/And we’re finally alone, I feel/Well, hey, you’re the only thing I wouldn’t change/In this place, it’s strange to say/You’re the only angel I ever gave away )

Apr. 8th, 2011


WHO Daphne Greengrass & open
WHEN 8 april 2005 | friday
WHERE on her way to dean's flat after her appointment

I'm a big girl now )

Mar. 30th, 2011


Who: Kevin and OPEN, NPC(Joseph, his brother) for a bit.
What: Drinking.
Where: Muggle Pub in London.
When: Tuesday Night.
Rating: Low for now.

Joey, has anyone ever told you that you drink like a girl? )

Mar. 26th, 2011


WHO: Luna Lovegood and OPEN [OOC: Feel free to do a fly-by visit :D]
WHEN: Saturday, 26th March, all day
WHERE: Diagon Alley
WHAT: The Quibbler has a popcorn cart set up for the day to promote their return, free popcorn for whoever buys an issue

The Quibbler popcorn stand definitely stood out despite the dismal weather )

Mar. 10th, 2011


Who: Astoria, Rose, Adrian, OPEN (Seriously!!)
When: March 10, Late
Where: Muggle Club, London
What: Adrian takes two naive girls to a club. Oh dear.

They had to have fun eventually... )

Jan. 17th, 2011


WHO: Eva and Open
WHEN: Monday Night
WHERE: Diagon Alley
WHAT: Queen of bad ideas is on the prowl

She'd spent the greater part of two days wondering how it was that she walked down the street well and good, wearing no mark of misdeed when she deserved to do so far more than half of those that had been branded )

Dec. 25th, 2010


WHO: Weasleys & Family Friends (Open to all who could conceivably be there! No obligation to interact with with Ron.)
WHEN: Christmas Day, 2004
WHERE: The Burrow
WHAT: The group gathers for food, fun, and exchanging gifts.
RATING: Who knows with this crowd?

He settled on the couch to wait for the rest of the family to arrive. )