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Sep. 15th, 2011


WHO: Romilda Vane, Robbie Stebbins, Leak of doom.
WHEN: Wednesday, 14th September, evening.
WHERE: Romilda's flat, Diagon Alley.
WHAT: Robbie and Romilda team up to battle the leaking ceiling.

It wasn't until there was a leak that a girl realised just how many water receptacles she had )

Sep. 9th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Alicia Spinnet
WHEN: BACKDATED to Friday, 2nd September, early evening
WHERE: Park in Muggle London
WHAT: Running to work off chocolate, stretch legs, to catch up

Summer was definitely on it's way out, the sun setting much sooner in the day, moths and midges emerging to flutter around the street lamps that lit up as the sky darkened. )

Aug. 30th, 2011


Owl to Justin Finch-Fletchley )

Packages are for Robert Stebbins, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Zacharias Smith )

Aug. 21st, 2011


Owl to Alicia Spinnet )

Aug. 14th, 2011


Who: Amos Diggory, Robert Stebbins, Zacharias Smith
When: Sunday, 14 August
Where: Amos' House, Ottery St. Catchpole
What: Diggory Dinner Date
Status: In-Progress

Another dinner with Diggory had rolled around again, though this time it was more surreal to be sat around a sophisticated dining table, drinking fine wine with the Minister when Azkaban escapees roamed the country and homes were searched in attempt to find the dangerous criminals. )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Who: Romilda and Robbie
What: Romilda finds out about the escapees.
Where: Romilda's flat, Diagon Alley.
When: Thursday evening.
Rating: TBD

Nothing could touch her through the haze that had settled over her at the first reading of those names.  )


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Roger Davies
WHEN: BACKDATED to Monday, 25th July, morning
WHERE: Level 2, Ministry of Magic
WHAT: Robbie and Roger have things to discuss

Usually one for patience, Robbie had found it incredibly difficult to wait the weekend for Roger to finally be free from his duties. )

Jul. 22nd, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Romilda Vane
WHEN: Friday, 22nd July, lunchtime
WHERE: Cafe in Diagon Alley
WHAT: Sharing a cream cake and perhaps Romilda has some information that'll panic Robbie

The cafe overlooked Madam Malkin's, and while he waited for Romilda to arrive, Robbie gazed thoughtfully from his window seat at one of the menswear robes in the window. Wizarding fashion had been taking a distinct shift of late, sporting a more Muggle style, so this set of robes seemed somewhat old-fashioned to his eyes. But he supposed it still suited some. )

Jul. 13th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Josephine Dorny
WHEN: BACKDATED to Tuesday, 12th July, afternoon
WHERE: Josephine's cottage, Hogsmeade, Scotland
WHAT: Solemn discussion of politics amongst the pretty flowers in Dorny's cottage garden
RATING: most likely low, they're very proper

There was something refreshingly normal and comforting about Josephine's bungalow, set just outside the village of Hogsmeade, surrounded by the picturesque Scottish Highlands. )

Jul. 7th, 2011


WHO: Robert Stebbins and Roger Davies
WHEN: July 6, 2005
WHERE: Robbie's favourite pub
WHAT: cricket and conversation
STATUS: in progress

There would be a decent tip coming her way before they left without her needing to tell him some sob story about her wee ones at home. )

Jul. 5th, 2011


owl to robbie

owl to robbie )

Jul. 3rd, 2011


WHO: Alicia Spinnet and Robbie Stebbins
WHERE: Robbie's flat
WHAT: Alicia knows why Robbie has been hiding
RATING: Moderate for her foul mouth

He had to have a reason, he had to.  )

Jun. 27th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Michael Corner, later Morag MacDougal
WHEN: Monday, 27th June, lunchtime
WHERE: Ministry of Magic, holding cells
WHAT: Their stories have to coincide, so a little tête-à-tête is necessary

After a weekend of meetings and discussions with Diggory and various discreet Ministry lawyers and officials, the play had been written as to what had 'officially' gone down on Friday night, and now it fell to Robbie to deliver the amended pages to Corner. )

Jun. 25th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins, Michael Corner and Padma Patil
WHEN: Friday, 24th June, late evening
WHERE: Hogsmeade, then later, Robbie's flat
WHAT: You can't expect to Obliviate someone and get away with it, can you?
STATUS: Started in GDocs, finishing up very soon.

He was more than a little drunk as he plodded down the path towards Hogsmeade, heading for the Three Broomsticks to Floo home. )

Jun. 24th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins, Justin Finch-Fletchley and Zacharias Smith
WHEN: Friday, 24th June, afternoon
WHERE: Hogwarts
WHAT: The Hufflepuffs gather to toast their friend on the tenth anniversary of his death.

The statue of Cedric Diggory stood in the grounds of the school, and there were already a few bouquets of flowers resting against the plinth. )

Jun. 9th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Padma Patil, possibly some NPCs
WHEN: Thursday, 9th June
WHERE: The Ministry, Level Two
WHAT: Padma sees Robbie for the first time since her Obliviation
RATING: PG for many mental swears.

Read more... )

Jun. 7th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins, Justin Finch-Fletchley and Zacharias Smith
WHEN: Tuesday, 7th June, afternoon
WHERE: Zacharias' home
WHAT: Zacharias is undergoing the False Memory Charm

Robbie arrived at Zacharias' in the early afternoon. The procedure was bound to take some time, there were quite a few memories to be altered. )

Jun. 5th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Justin Finch-Fletchley
WHEN: Sunday, 5th June, evening
WHERE: Muggle pub, London
WHAT: Justin has an idea about Zacharias' memory altering

The pub on Buxton Street was nice and quiet, not at all rowdy )

May. 25th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and [OPEN to any and all who are attending the speech]
WHEN: Wednesday, 25th May
WHERE: London, (Diagon Alley?)
WHAT: Minister Diggory makes a speech, but there is an attempt on his life

[OOC: I just thought I'd throw this up to catch the date, I can always delete it if necessary. I was thinking perhaps there could be some interactions before the assassination attempt, amongst whoever might attend, and then another set of interactions during the inevitable chaos - Gail, tag in whenever you can :)]

May. 19th, 2011


WHO: Robbie Stebbins and [OPEN to anybody outside the holding pen]
WHEN: BACKDATED to Wednesday, 18th May, just after the suspects are being brought in
WHERE: Ministry, outside the holding pen
WHAT: Robbie's observing the suspects, mostly for the Minister but partly for himself [I'm totally up for whoever decides to stop by - maybe some DMLE workers, Ministry people?]

Diggory had asked him to work late tonight )

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