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Aug. 21st, 2011


WHO: Tracey Davis and Harold Dingle
WHEN: Sunday 21 August, 2005 very early morning
WHERE: Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley
WHAT: Harold drops by for a visit
RATING: pg 13 language her power to keep the memories of the day's events from invading her mind again )

Jul. 21st, 2011


WHO: Harold Dingle and OPEN TO ALL
WHEN: Thursday, 21st July, evening
WHERE: The Hog's Head, Hogsmeade
WHAT: Thursday night cards with the wonderful Dingle
RATING: High enough for language

With the curfew, Dingle's Card Night wasn't actually at night anymore, moved up to start at seven. It was somewhat annoying, to have the sunlight stream inside the pub every time the door opened, but Dingle could get over it so long as people still turned up. )

[OPEN to anyone who'd like to tag in. Even if they're not involved in the cards, they could be drinking at the bar or just dropping in!]

Jul. 20th, 2011


WHO: Tracey Davis and Harold Dingle
WHEN: BACKDATED to Monday, 18th July, afternoon
WHERE: Quality Quidditch Supplies, Diagon Alley
WHAT: Dingle's going to try and convince Tracey to let him store some 'stock' in the cellar of her shop
RATING: At least PG-13 for his language >.<

Before he pushed the door open to Tracey's shop, he leant against the wall of the shop opposite across the Alley, finishing off his cigarette but really assessing the area, doing a little reconnaissance of the surrounding shops and the number of overlooking windows, the amount of foot traffic there was at this time of day. )

Jun. 28th, 2011


WHO: Lavender Brown, Harold Dingle
WHEN: June 28, 2005 | afternoon
WHERE: Fortesque's in Diagon
WHAT: Some not so legal conversation
RATING: Low? Idk

Out in the open is the best )

Jun. 8th, 2011


WHO: Harold Dingle and Astoria Greengrass
WHEN: Wednesday, 8th June, afternoon
WHERE: Knockturn Alley
WHAT: Over, sideways and under, On a magic carpet ride

Leaning nonchalantly against the wall in the shadows of the shop front of Borgin and Burke's, smoking a cigarette, Harold didn't actually look like the shadiest character in Knockturn Alley. )

May. 24th, 2011


Who: Anthony Goldstein - Harold Dingle
What: Illegal deals
Where: Knockturn Alley
When: Sunday, May 22 (backdated)
Rating: PG

It was surprising that Diggory hadn't torched the place to the ground, yet... )

May. 6th, 2011


Who: Alicia Spinnet, Harold Dingle, Michael Corner
What: Drinking contest, that's what.
When: May 6th

Yo, Ho, Ho and a Bottle of Rum )