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Jul. 19th, 2011


Who: Stephen Cornfoot & NPC-bad-guy-wizard-Mafia
What: Steve publicized a very private Ministry matter, and needs to think about his poor actions
Where: Just outside of Diagon Alley, where one might apparate
When: Monday evening
Rating: Probably high!

Drown in the waters that will give you life )

Jul. 18th, 2011


Who: Hermione Granger and Harry Potter.
What: having tea.
When: Late Sunday
Where: The safe house.

“Beats a tent, doesn’t it?”  )

Jul. 13th, 2011


Who: Miles and Morgan Bletchley.
When: Tuesday, 12 July 2005; evening.
Where: The Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade, Scotland.
What: Morgan is never free from the duties of playing agony aunt. Never.
Rating: Medium for language, low for overall content.
Status: In progress.

Read more... )

Jul. 12th, 2011


Who Morag and Miles
What Miles is finally admitting to England that he's landed
When July 12th
Where The Ministry
Rating/Status Moderate (for Language)/Incomplete

There was something reassuring about the fact she wasn't wearing shoes )

Jul. 5th, 2011


Who Miles and Morgan
What A lunch date
When Tuesday
Where Fernandez & Wells Food & Wine Bar
Rating Probably High for Language
Status Incomplete

blood is thicker than lager )

Jun. 29th, 2011


Who Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter
What Recovering the Elder Wand
When June 29th
Where Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; Dumbledore's tomb
Status/Rating PG for...Dumbledore's Corpse

And now Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress: Adventure. )

Jun. 26th, 2011


Who Harry Potter and Hermione Granger
What Transfer of Mastery of the Elder Wand
When Sunday, June 26th
Where Godric's Hollow, their apartment
Status Incomplete
Rating PG (Hermione is all business.)

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility )

Jun. 20th, 2011


mass owl

OWL: Gabrielle Delacour; Charlie, Percy, George & Ginny Weasley; Hermione Granger; Harry Potter )

Jun. 16th, 2011


Who Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald Harry Potter and Michael Corner
When Late, June 16th
Where The Handsom Cab, a pub in London
Status Incomplete
Rating PG-13

It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. )

Jun. 15th, 2011


Who Harry, James, and Lily Potter
What Parental advice
Where The cemetery in Godric’s Hollow
When June 15th
Rating Sadness
Status Complete

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end )

Jun. 10th, 2011


Who: Hermione Granger and Harry Potter
What: Talking about the days events, at least for a little while.
Where: The flat that they share
When: Sometime in the evening.
rating: HIGH

Hermione Granger (suspected Terrorist 091979-GRA-J-99) kidnapped Auror Harry J. Potter likely with the help of the Imperious curse. )

Jun. 8th, 2011


Who: Harry Potter & Neville Longbottom
What: Discussing things
When: Wednesday evening
Where: A Muggle pub
Rating: Low

Been a while. )

Jun. 4th, 2011


Who Harry Potter & Hermione Granger
What Sitting at Home in their Flat, Discussing the state of the world. Heavy.
When Saturday, June 4th.
Where Godric's Hollow, their flatshare.
Rating PG
Status Incomplete

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion )


Who Harry Potter & Luna Lovegood
When Saturday, June 4th
Where Godric's Hollow. Harry and Hermione's flatshare
What A visit from a friend!
Rating G (PG, for Harry's language?)
Status Incomplete

What is a rebel? A man who says no )