[info]tallblue in [info]07refugees

Russian goes after Russian Live Journal bloggers

Russian Government goes after Live Journal bloggers.

I wonder if SUP owning Live Journal and them having close ties to the Russian Government is making it easier to go after people expressing their political opinions?


I think we all knew this was inevitable.
Let my Beastboy icon sum up my emotions perfectly.
Considering the fate of Alexander Litvinenko and the history of brutality within Russian secret police groups (from KGB on down), I'm (a) not at all surprised and (b) strongly expecting this to be the tip of the iceberg.

Whether we like it or not, we've got a new and improved Cold War on our hands...


Honestly? I was wondering when the pogrom would start.

I wonder if I would be banned if I posted something negative about Russia on my LJ account?
I think it's only if you're actually IN Russian... for now >_>
Honestly? I was wondering when the pogrom would start.

I wonder if I would be banned if I posted something negative about Russia on my LJ account?
only if you live in russia.
I think that any oppressive
government is going to go after
anyone who is expressing subversive
political opinions.

Eh... seriously... I went back to LJ.
To me, IJ is kinda like Antarctica.
I may be "safe" here, but there isn't
anything going on. At least on LJ,
I may have to be careful about what
I say, but at least all my friends are
still there.
it is kinda dead here on IJ, but then, that could also be a benefit in that what gets posted on IJ will be less likely to get negative attention.

I'm just saying this because while I was living in China, Livejournal was completely inaccessible to me, probably because it has been used for political blogging and it's fairly popular. IJ, on the other hand, was more obscure, and that's exactly when and why I started my IJ.
To me, IJ is kinda like Antarctica.

I really want to like IJ... I even got a permanent
account... but I'm disappointed. There isn't
enough going on here for people like me, and
it seems like all my friends who used to post
are just not posting anymore... it's like they
went back to LJ, or somewhere else, or just
stopped posting in any sort of online communities.

IJ has a lot to offer, but if one is not a part of
some specific fandom, then there isn't much
else to do. We need more action on IJ...
I think a lot of the problems that people are facing concerning migrating to another site is just caused (mainly) by the fact that they expect all their friends to jump ship to. If you want to have a positive journaling experience on any LJ alternative, you may just have to make a whole new set of friends. It's like if I left myspace and went to facebook and expected all my friends to come with me. It's really not going to happen. Immediately when I joined Inksome I went and added a whole mass of people and they all added me back, and so now my f-list is updated daily and is pretty active for only 20 friends. You may want to consider doing the same thing (if you haven't already) :)
I would also like to add that even my f-list on LJ is scarcely the same f-list that I had when I first joined the site 4 years ago. Sometimes you have to give up on some friends and make new friends. A lot of the time people simply lose interest in blogging/journaling so you have to go find other people who are just getting started and are still really excited about it.
It was easier to add friends when off_topic_cafe
was still around...

The way I make friends, is I see what sort of stuff
they comment about, and then we friend eachother.

...I actually met my gf on LJ that way.

[info]randomquestions has been working
out for me.

I don't expect all my friends to migrate, but it would
be nice to have more friends here on IJ. I won't leave
though, because at least one of the people I know
on here is someone I don't want to leave behind...
...she's that cool. :)
yeah, you know i find it a bit odd myself. I've seen people posting in the announcements community here, mostly complaining about how they weren't making any friends and can't get anyone to migrate, so they were threatning to leave the site. I would always respond with "well, feel free to add me and I'll add you back :)" , but I'd never hear back from them... Maybe it's me or something, but I find it a little hypocritical for people to complain about not having friends and then they go and reject someone's invitation anyway XD

Not saying you're doing that. It's just something I've noticed about people over here o_O
As with many others... I'm surprised that this didn't happen sooner.
Is anyone surprised by this?
ch... not me... i think most of us saw it coming since day one >_>
I seriously doubt it.