[info]valady in [info]07refugees

Paranoia run rampant or... ???

Have you recently had Russian LJ'ers friending you? I've noticed that the last 3 of 5 new people who have friended me are Russian. Now I have no problem with someone friending me Russian or whatever else, but looking over their profiles there are NO common interest. The journals are all in Russian so I can't read them. Am I being paranoid or does this reek of something????


I have only one word in my LJ interests list--"freedom." Back a ways, I had a couple drive-by comments, but since I wasn't posting in my LJ, they had to comment on an older post, and I marked them as spam. Never had any further problems, and never had any mystery friends, either.

Perhaps it's what's on the interest list on your LJ that draws these "new friends."
My interests there only say "fandom, freedom of speech" - so I think it's via other flisters. Everything is locked on my journal except for the Friends only post, which says I'm not there. As does my userinfo.

But fandom people keep adding it, too *S* I wonder why sometimes, even though it is flattering.