[info]valady in [info]07refugees

Paranoia run rampant or... ???

Have you recently had Russian LJ'ers friending you? I've noticed that the last 3 of 5 new people who have friended me are Russian. Now I have no problem with someone friending me Russian or whatever else, but looking over their profiles there are NO common interest. The journals are all in Russian so I can't read them. Am I being paranoid or does this reek of something????


One of my fic posts from last year was getting lots of spam comments, so I set it to no comments. Now they hit whatever my most recent comment happens to be. Only here on IJ though.
Are those spam comments anonymous? I wonder, because my comment options are very restricted. I only allow registered users to comment and I save their IP address, too.

On LJ it's even more restricted, only my friends can post comments on my journal. And since I don't friend anyone back since I left...
I don't want to lock commenting down too hard, though. The furthest I'm willing to go is to have anonymous or non-friend comments screened, which, of course, doesn't actually stop them leaving the comments, just means they won't show up unless I unscreen instead of delete them.