[info]valady in [info]07refugees

Paranoia run rampant or... ???

Have you recently had Russian LJ'ers friending you? I've noticed that the last 3 of 5 new people who have friended me are Russian. Now I have no problem with someone friending me Russian or whatever else, but looking over their profiles there are NO common interest. The journals are all in Russian so I can't read them. Am I being paranoid or does this reek of something????


Yes, I write fanfiction (HP to be exact). I suspected that perhaps LJ/SUP was sneaking around trying to find the 'dirt' on fandom. Fortunately all my fic is archived elsewhere and here on IJ. I also flocked my LJ last year with only Happy Bday greeting on public postings.
That's what I did as well, plus I used one of those online translation sites and added a notice to my friends only post in Russian that I no longer post fics on my LJ and I wasn't friending blank journals at this time.
Good idea.