[info]slyfoot in [info]07refugees

Squeaky Headquarters

As it stands now, [info]squeaky is a strong contender for the LJ Advisory Board, coming in at second place for number of actual nominations. I believe that squeaky actually does have a chance, but the word needs to be spread that squeaky represents the choice of substance over style, that he knows how to listen to a userbase, and that he is not a Drama Goon.

Other candidates are setting up communities for campaign headquarters on LJ, so I think there ought to be one for [info]squeaky as well. Does anyone want to volunteer for this? Please don't volunteer unless you've had experience running fairly large communities, and are willing to heavily promote the comm in the various LJ promo communities. I don't really feel qualified, so I'm hoping that someone else will step up.

ETA1: So far [info]aristoboule has volunteered.

ETA2: I went ahead and set up [info]vote_squeaky here on IJ as well as LiveJournal.

Squeaky. Srs Bsness.
