[info]ardath_rekha in [info]07refugees

LJ Permanent Account Exit Poll

For those of you who haven't been observing LJ for a while, they finally announced the sale of permanent accounts, which ran from the 21st to the 28th. Out of curiosity, I've started a poll to see how many people actually bought them, and how Strikethrough affected that. Since I know a whole heck of a lot of people simply left Livejournal, and I'm really interested in tracking those numbers, too, I thought I'd mention the poll here so that people who want to weigh in can do so.

This is the link. Thank you for helping if you participate, and pass the word on to other refugees, please. :)


I deleted my account, so I can't vote....

I think it's pretty interesting that the overwhelming majority of people taking this poll are female, with college backgrounds.

I also think it's pretty interesting that the majority of pollsters did not buy a permanent account, but it's fifty/fifty on if they'll pay Livejournal for future services.

I hope we see a lot more pollsters.
I voted; thanks for posting the link. It's good to have a way to vent my lj/strikethrough frustrations with check boxes as well as regular words ;)
Thanks for the link. I voted. It's the TOS of suckage and customer service that bugs the crap out of me. And everytime there is a problem, they say "well, if you have a permanent/paid account...".
I voted.

I was going to buy a permenant account until everything happened at LJ.