[info]diachrony in [info]07refugees

and now: an (english) word from anton nossik

Anton Nossik has posted a clarification (in English!) in his own LiveJournal.


I like the backwards bicycle comment.
So he's basically saying that he's an arsehole in real life and we shouldn't blame LJ for letting him give interviews. Neat.

I love the focus on Americans as the only English speaking users. The Cold War is on, baby.
Aw, isn't that cute. He was treated so terribly by people -- all Americans, by the way, as he says several times in the comments -- who misquoted and misrepresented and mistranslated everything. It was totally not his fault, you guys! He's all, like, the victim here, and stuff!

What a fucking tool.
ROFL! Your icon is PRICELESS.


But I bet everyone tells you that.

Thanks! I actually ganked it from someone ages ago, and I don't even remember who.
This is so pathetic - I love how he mentioned that very qualified specialist are listening to our complains *lol* what a fucktard
Oh, neat -- another link back to VileJournal content so we can all go clicky and generate more advertising revenue for them. YAY!!!

While we're on the subject, I'd really like a Big Mac right about now, but I can't get it myself because I'm boycotting McDonalds. So if one o' youse would swing by and pick me one up, that'd be swell, huh?

If you ever decide to get off that soapbox, make sure you don't trip and fall.
Yeah, I'm just constantly in everybody's face about that ain't I?

Am I the only one that laughed when read "Social Media Evangelist"?
No, you weren't - then again, I was laughing the whole time ...
Hehehe, you're right!

Your icon is great, btw.
So not the only one!

I got dizzy from all the spin! Great comments, though. Especially the one suggesting that he try talking to the users before the media. Duh.
I am so glad I left LJ last summer and don't have to take the time these days to read tripe like this!
He says he wasn't a part of the decision to stop basic accounts, but if that's so, he should've kept his trap shut.

"Oh no I didn't mean THIS protest, I totally meant one like... a long time ago... like with some other people. No, you don't know them. They're like, dead now. I think."
and this is totally why he said "In these current conditions of blackmail, the company's hands are tied."

too little, too late.

several of my friends have alkready left. gee, looky there, it is having an affect.
It's interesting reading the "Oh yes, the translations do match." statements from Russian speakers.
And the "Oh yes, you *said* "blackmail"" ones, too >:)
It sounds like a bunch of backpedaling to me.
I love it when they backpeddle. So fun.

One thing that annoys me, though it is a silly thing to be annoyed about in the larger scope of things, is him assuming most lj users are American in his little apology. I realise a lot of americans use it, but on my own lj at least half of my friends were not from the Americas at all.

They need to give him a nice PR person.