[info]jackandahat in [info]07refugees

LJ just... apologised.

"The announcement last Wednesday was a mistake in regards to Basic accounts, as the change was not clearly stated, it did not allow for you to provide feedback, and went into effect immediately. Many of you have pointed out that the decision worried you less than the way it was communicated. You should have been given a voice, and you were not; we didn’t follow our own rules, and we apologize."


Hooray? Hooray!
The timing is interesting - this way, they can claim they're not giving in to strike pressure, because it's before, not after.

Or maybe I'm a cynic, and really truly have realised they upset people?

However, I think this is the first time they've said ourtight "We apologise".
I don't think it has anything to do with the "strike" honestly, but more of the blatant outrage in general (Also, whoever started calling it a "strike" and not a "boycott" needs to be slapped upside the head because the misuse of "strike" has been driving me crazy all goddamn day omg...)
I prefer the word strike. ;-)

Well, you can have chocolate in your peanut butter with this one, because it's both a strike and a boycott! (-:

It's a boycott because we are customers of the service, but its a strike because we are content providers to the service. It's both because we relate to the social networking site in both capacities. So I've been writing the strike/boycott--maybe I should put OTP after that? :-P
Ahh, it makes more sense that way then. It've just seen about fifty comments of people not-in-the-know askign "how is this a strike?" and having to explain it "well it's more of a boycott..." LOL
I've been writing the strike/boycott--maybe I should put OTP after that? :-P

You know, I've been looking for a good quote for my first metaquote... and this is a strong candidate. May I metaquote you?
Thank you! Yes. (-:
*shrugs* Excuse me using the wrong word at two in the damn morning.
Um, that comment was meant in jest, sorry for lack of an accompanying XD or ;)?
Damn, I think I owe some people five bucks...
Ah, but did you bet that they'd not say sorry, or bet that they'd not sort things out? I'm waiting to see what they do about sorting things out - however, this is the best they've done so far, the real test will be how they respond to what people say, having asked questions.
I've been saying all day that they're not going to apologize because they're super corporate now. Not that I said they'd clean up their act, just that they wouldn't apologize. They're still lying shitheads, of course.
Would be far more reaching if it was put in News and not LJ_2008.
But... they can't put it in news! People would actually *read it*, and we can't be having that, can we?
Maybe I'm not a very optimistic person, but I think this actually makes me more scared rather than relieved.
Agreed. o_o

I made this one myself though. X)
I think I know where you got it, too, lol. TW FTW.

Barak Berkowitz apologized... and then resigned.

SixApart apologized... and then sold LJ to SUP.

Wonder what SUP is going to do now?
Sell to FOX, obvs XD
I'm a basic member. I saw an
ad on the bottom of that post. :P
That is because basic members do see adds when the account they are watching opted in for ads ...
For half a second, I thought the Apocalypse arrived.

But then I remembered all of the other screw-ups LJ hasn't apologized for, and felt justified in my cynicism.
Hm. I notice that it's the Staff account that apologized. Not any of the actual people who have either made decisions or insulted the LJ users. It's a pretty apology, but it doesn't mean a thing besides that someone on Staff understands that something needed to be said to pacify the restless natives.
"Subscriptions – Should moderators be able to charge for access to closed communities?"


Can you imagine someone charging for a community with copyrighted material in it?
Better hope the servers over at JF are robust the day they announce that because you know it'll be all over Fandom Wank.
Fitfteenth verse same as the first. Wonder how many more times they're gonna screw up and then apologize later before people start seeing the pattern.
Everything in the "Open Questions" section is not only kind of scary, it gives me the feeling that they've missed the point entirely.
Yes. That.
The trouble is they keep doing this. They make a mistake, they apologise, then they do the same thing all over again. In three weeks time it'll be something else.
This is, I believe, the first time they've outright said "We apologize."

Not that I believe them, but it's interesting timing.
They apologised for the way they handled the censorship of the interests search (about why things like "spice girls" were blocked). At least I thought they had but now I go to look for it I can;t find it. Maybe it was buried in a comment thrread somewhere.

Not that it makes any difference. Whether they apologise or not they don't learn from their mistakes, and they keep making the same ones over and over again.


Where's that icon about LJ being like an abusive spouse you keep going back to whenever they apologize?

Seriously, enough is enough. I don't see why people are falling over each other to thank them for apologizing. They have stuck it to users before, they're doing it now, and they will continue to do so as long as people stay with them.

This "apology" (cough-spew) reminds me of Stanley Kowalski begging Stella to take him back.


I'm pretty sure they haven't flat out said "We apologize" before, which is an interesting new development. I'm not saying people should forgive them, or even that I am. Just thought people should see - given it didn't get posted in News. Again.

Also? I'm kind of skeeved that people compare an online service with something that can destroy lives and get people killed. Hello hyperbole.




And wut about teh BUNNEEEEE in Fatal Attraction?!

Hyperbole much? Hell, yeah!


You rang?


LJ_2008?!?!?!? How many fraggin' communities would I as an LJ user have to friend in order to find out what's going on with LJ? I'm tired of finding out, "oh, this code was over in this LJ comm, and this announcement is over in so-and-so's personal LJ, and this announcement is over in this brand new LJ you've never heard of," ad nauseum.

Who knew LJ users would need a daily newsletter to stay informed?
the_lj_herald is great, they collect relevant posts from all LJ.
LOL! I was being sarcastic about needing a newsletter but what a nice, useful comm. I've promptly added it to my daily reading. Thank you!
Thanks from me, too. I was getting more and more frustrated and wondering just what all I needed to join as well. Off to join.
I have to wonder why they didn't post that in [info]news.
ummm, that should be News community.