[info]sylumgator in [info]07refugees

LJ day of silence planned

You guys hear of this? Plans for this friday-
refs to other journals....
and I got it from


If I remember correctly there was something similar organized during the whole "nipplegate" thing (the breastfeeding default icon issue)and I know I had people on my flist who went as far as deleting their journals for 24 hours...didn't do any good as we all know and LJ just keeps getting worse. I can't see how this would do any good either.
It won't. Especially since a bunch of tossers are trying to organise an anti-protest, where they post as much as possible to counteract any effect of people not posting.
Do you have any links testifying to this?
<a href="http://liamstliam.livejournal.com/395795.html>The other one deleted hers</a>
And I broke my HTML, well how about that? *facepalm*