[info]guiltyred in [info]07refugees

The madness didn't start with ST07

After reading [info]teh_kittykat's post about the continuing LJ debacle, I read through some of the earlier lj_biz entries and damned if I didn't find something that made my head spin. ><#


Abe Hassan

answers to your questions about sponsored communities

* Anti-advertiser content One of our core principles is that of free expression. We're privately held, and so we don't have to offer a great deal of freedom, but it's something that every single one of us believes very strongly in. If a company wants to promote something on LJ, they don't get the privilege of "censoring" anything they don't agree with. [emphasis mine] However -- just like any other community -- they're welcome to run their communities as they wish. This does mean that they can delete comments or entries that they don't want in their sponsored community. (This is no different than the maintainer of a community about bundt cakes deleting entries that describe how to knit sweaters for gerbils or deleting entries that talk about how awful bundt cakes are; that's at his or her discretion.)

To be clear: Unless an account is already in violation of our Terms of Service, we will not take down journals, communities, or content that is offensive or objectionable to a sponsor. They are aware (and still want to advertise here) that users can write anything that they want. What's permissible on this site is governed by the policies we've had for years, not our advertisers. Their position as a sponsor doesn't give them extra "clout" in that respect.

[quoted direct from source]

written by burr86  in lj_biz
@ 2006-10-03 18:19:00

EDIT: sorry about the delete and repost, the html thing was bugging me. ^^;


Yep, that was an earlier straw, so to speak. At the time, in the comments there, they were assuring us that the worst that could happen anyhow was that they'd ask us to take stuff down, and then if we refused they'd delete our journals. That was what it seemed to say they'd do in the FAQ/ToS, too.

But that's not their way of doing things, really, at least not now. This latest thingie was the final straw.
That sheds some more light. :/ This whole thing is total BS.

and Nipplegate

I didn't find out about nipplegate until after the most recent TOS episode.
